Sara Fabel
Sara Fabel
Sara Fabel is a Finnish model, illustrator, tatto artist and actress. Sara Fabel lived her early and late teenage years in Helsinki, Finland. Her primary education is in art education, minoring in photography and digital media. (University of Art and Design Helsinki, currently known as Aalto university / Griffith university, Brisbane Australia.) Sara worked as an primary school grades 1-9 teacher until moving to Australia and pursuing a career as an illustrator. Fabels career in modeling started in early 2000’s, but did not receive public notice till late 2009 when she began to branch out towards alternative and more edgy audience. Sara FAbels artistic collaboration, photography and modeling has been internationally published and featured in printed as well as online media. 2012 Sara Fabel apprenticed to become a tattoo artist as has since concentrated on feinting her medieval and woodcut inspired tattoo style.
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