» Places for tattoos » Forearm tattoos

Forearm tattoos

This part of the body is especially popular with fans of body painting.

Most often, their first tattoo is done on the forearm. Due to the oblong shape of this area, one of the most common forearm tattoo options is the inscription.

I agree that the choice is really good. The elongated shape of this part of the hand allows you to apply not just a symbol, hieroglyph or word, but a rather long inscription. An interesting solution is a separate tattoo: when two parts of the same phrase are carried in different hands. Examples of such work can be found in the sketches of the tattoo on the forearm at the end of the article.

For male forearm tattoos, it is characteristic that they are usually applied over the entire area of ​​the arm and use all available space. Girls often prefer small images around the wrists, such as stars or various patterns. Of course, there are also complex tattoos on the forearm: dragons, owls, wings, wolves, skulls and others.

The advantages of this place also lie in the fact that the tattooing procedure is almost painless. The disadvantage can be considered already boring to everyone office plankton problem, who is often very skeptical about the various manifestations of the subculture. If you dream of working for a large company, bank or government organization, the forearm is not the best option for jewelry. By the way, if you decide to do tattoo in the form of an inscription, on our website you can choose a suitable tattoo font! Summarize:


Photo of tattoo on the forearm for men

Photo of tattoo on the forearm for women