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Creatine kinase - how to reduce its level?

Although it is necessary for the proper functioning of the body, elevated levels of creatine kinase can be indicative of many health problems, mostly related to the musculoskeletal system. How to check if the kinase level is correct and lower it if it is abnormal?

High levels of creatine kinase - what does it mean?

Also, check out what toxic shock syndrome is.

What is creatine kinase? Creatine kinase is normal

Creatine kinase (CPK) is an enzyme found in skeletal muscle, the brain, and the heart. In a healthy person, its level should range from 24-170 IU / l (women) and 24-195 IU / l (men). The role of the enzyme is to reduce phosphocreatine, a compound that provides energy storage. Although the kinase is essential, it is important to know that the human body requires very little of it.

An alarming situation is deviations from the norm of the kinase level. Elevated levels of creatine kinase may indicate inflammation, muscle damage, or poisoning. Determination of the level of enzymes is carried out in the following cases:

  • myocardial damage (for example, after a heart attack),
  • skeletal muscle damage
  • poisoning with certain drugs,
  • carbon monoxide poisoning.

How to check the level of creatine kinase?

To check the level of creatine kinase, it is enough to do a laboratory blood test from a vein. You must be on an empty stomach to collect. Creatine kinase testing is cheap - about 12.

Increased creatine kinase. What does this mean?

A high kinase level should prompt further diagnosis under specialist supervision. It can be a sign of various health problems, including:

  • infarct
  • carbon monoxide poisoning,
  • pulmonary embolism
  • epilepsy,
  • hypothyroidism
  • neoplasms,
  • Stroke.

Moreover, a high level of creatine kinase can appear as a result of taking neuroleptic drugs, injuries, or too intense physical exertion.

As you can see, the range of problems that a high level of creatine kinase can alert you to is quite wide. For this reason, you should not diagnose yourself - kinase testing is only a guide and a starting point for more detailed tests.

Too low creatine kinase level

Too low a kinase level can indicate liver damage or rheumatoid arthritis.

High levels of creatine kinase in athletes

For athletes, especially those involved in strength training, slightly elevated levels of creatine kinase may be normal. With intense physical exertion, microdamage to the muscles, the cells of which enter the bloodstream. The more exhausting the workout, the higher the level of creatine kinase. Doctors emphasize that in amateur athletes, kinase should not exceed the level of 400 IU / l.

What exercises increase kinase? This problem has been seen to affect people who exercise beyond their capacity, avoid warm-ups, and exercise too frequently.

Creatine kinase - how to lower?

Active people with elevated levels of creatine kinase should take care to train at an intensity appropriate to their current capabilities. You should also plan for a rest period while your muscles recover. If high kinase is due to disease, poisoning, or medication, the right treatment will help to regulate its level.