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What is the difference between a tattoo and a tattoo?

An image applied to the human body using a special dye is called a tattoo. Some people in conversation use the word "tattoo" when they talk about tattoos. But they are not the same thing.

Tattoos are done in prison or by people associated with crime. Each such drawing has a specific meaning. By the tattoo and the place of its application, you can find out why a person is in prison, how long, how long he has already served, the place of detention, etc.

Previously, prisoners were marked in this way so that ordinary people could distinguish them and stay away from them. Tattoos are usually done in non-sterile conditions, with the help of improvised means by inmates in prison. In the past, this has caused some prisoners to die of blood poisoning.

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Tattoos are an art, an expression of your thoughts and feelings. They are done in tattoo parlors by professional artists using special tools.

The tattoo is applied by piercing the skin with a needle and injecting a special dye. The tattoo is done in the same way, only the name is derived from the word "prick". So what is the difference between a tattoo and a tattoo?

Let's start with history. The word "tattoo" is taken from the Polynesian language and translates as "image". For the first time, the well-known traveler James Cook used it in his report in English during a trip around the world in 1773. Before that, the art of decorating the body with drawings did not have any specific name.

Gradually, the word "tattoo" began to spread throughout all countries. In Russia, prisoners made tattoos for themselves, so tattooing as an art form did not take root. In the 90s, tattoos began their revival.

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It was at this time that many tattoo artists appeared who made tattoos of a criminal nature in artisanal conditions. Since that time, images with a criminal meaning have been called "tattoos".

By a tattoo we mean an image or an inscription made in a certain style by a high-quality artist in a tattoo parlor. This drawing carries a certain meaning, attitude to something, or reflects a state of mind. Different colors of application, technique of execution, plot - all this is also the difference between tattoo and tattoo.

In conclusion, we can say that tattoos have a negative meaning, are applied in an artisanal way and mean a connection with the criminal world. Whereas a tattoo is an art expressed in the image on the body, and which is performed by professionals.