» Tattoo meanings » Scorpio Zodiac Tattoo

Scorpio Zodiac Tattoo

At first glance, the idea of ​​a tattoo with a zodiac sign looks trite and hackneyed.

This is partly true, because in our time there is hardly any idea that has never been fully implemented before, or at least partially.

But this is the essence of any kind of art - to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary, looking at an idea from a different angle, using new techniques. Tattoo art is no exception.

Today we will figure out what the meaning of a tattoo with the Scorpio zodiac sign is and how to create a truly original composition.

Myths and legends

Astrologers believe that people born under the sign of Scorpio have natural magnetism and a rare strength of character. They are constantly involved in some kind of internal struggle, but this does not prevent them from being faithful and loyal friends, keeping their word, acting fairly and holding back the emotions that sometimes overwhelm them. There are two legends about the origin of the constellation, which, according to astrologers, gives people such enviable qualities. The authorship of both belongs to the Greeks, a people who at one time achieved, perhaps, the greatest successes in astronomy.

Scorpio and Phaethon

The goddess Thetis had a daughter named Klymene, whose beauty was so amazing that even the gods were captivated. The sun god Helios, daily circling the Earth on his gilded chariot drawn by winged stallions, admired her, and his heart was filled with love for the beautiful girl day by day. Helios married Klymene, and from their union a son appeared - Phaethon. Phaethon was not lucky in one thing - he did not inherit immortality from his father.

When the son of the sun god grew up, his cousin, the son of Zeus the Thunderer himself, began to mock him, not believing that the young man's father was Helios himself. Phaethon asked his mother if this was true, and she swore to him that these words were true. Then he went to Helios himself. God confirmed that he was his real father, and as proof promised Phaethon to fulfill any of his wishes. But the son desired something that Helios could not foresee in any way: he wanted to ride around the Earth on his father's chariot. God began to dissuade Phaeton, because it is hardly possible for a mortal to cope with winged stallions and overcome such a difficult path, but the son did not agree to change his desire in any way. Helios had to come to terms, because breaking the oath would mean dishonor.

And so at dawn Phaethon set off on the road. At first everything went well, although it was difficult for him to drive the chariot, he admired the amazing landscapes, saw what no other mortal is destined to see. But soon the horses lost their way, and Phaethon himself did not know where he was carried. Suddenly, a giant scorpion appeared in front of the chariot. The phaeton, out of fear, let go of the reins, the stallions, uncontrolled by anyone, rushed to the ground. The chariot raced, incinerating fertile fields, blossoming gardens and rich cities. Gaia, the goddess of the earth, frightened that an inept driver would incinerate all her possessions, turned to the thunderer for help. And Zeus destroyed the chariot with a lightning strike. Phaethon, being mortal, could not survive this mighty blow, engulfed in flames, he fell into the river Eridan.

Since then, the constellation Scorpio, because of which all mankind almost died, reminds us of the tragic death of Phaethon and the consequences of his recklessness.

Photo of a tattoo with a zodiac sign Scorpio on the head

Photo of a tattoo with a zodiac sign Scorpio on the body

Photo of a tattoo with a zodiac sign Scorpio on the arm

Photo of a tattoo with a zodiac sign Scorpio on the leg