» Tattoo meanings » Wolf tattoo meaning

Wolf tattoo meaning

The wolf tattoo is characterized by deep, ambiguous and contradictory symbolism.

In our article, along with a selection of exclusive photos and sketches, we will help you decide on the meaning of the body image so as not to get into unpleasant situations.

The meaning of a wolf tattoo

In ancient times, when hunting was the only source of food, and wolves were competitors, the Indians began to look closely at the pack. The animals hunted brilliantly, so the tribes tried to learn difficult skills.

They appreciated the intelligence of animals, their unity, discipline, boundless dedication and strength.

Based on this, a wolf tattoo will not suit windy natures, characterized by inconstancy in friendship and love.

The image will not bring them happiness, on the contrary, it can be great harm. For strong individuals with a strong spirit, independent and ready to defend their interests, the drawing will become a talisman, will support and protect in difficult times.

The underwear picture of a wolf's jaw is a symbol of a fearless fighter for life and one's aspirations, firmness in intentions, moral foundations. If the mouth is slightly open - a sign that he is ready to attack first, closed - will wait until the enemy jumps.

Wolf tattoo - a symbol of mysticism and dark forces

In the Slavic peoples, the animal personified dexterity and reliability, but after the arrival of Christianity, the beast became a symbol of cruelty and ruthlessness, aggressiveness and anger.

The wolf skull tattoo represents death and destruction, the afterlife. He was called a servant of satan, although in ancient times he was considered a guide to the other world, smoothed out the boundaries, acted as a protector from evil spirits, therefore, a wolf tattoo with an Indian talisman (dream catcher) is often found.

If the animal is depicted in flame - the embodiment of dark forces, with red or fiery eyes - witchcraft and a werewolf sign, a symbol of the transformation of the physical body into an astral double.

A tattoo of a grin of a wolf on the shoulder, neck or back means ferocity, readiness to hunt. The drawing warns: do not attack, otherwise there will be no mercy. The image of the beast was applied only by the worthy. In ancient times, the body pattern protected from evil spirits.

A tattoo of a man to a wolf on the zone is depicted as the head of an animal, framed by a star or in the form of an inscription. The meaning is too multifaceted, warns of a possible threat and symbolizes loneliness. Often the word "WOLF" is stuffed on the fingers of a hand or shoulder, which translates as "here it is, what love," or "a thief is short of breath - a cop." Animal from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute" - a caricature of law enforcement agencies. Often a woman is drawn, and a harmless beast is depicted in a visor and with shoulder straps. The picture is applied to the abdomen or thigh.

Sometimes a wolf tattoo on the arm indicates a person leading a nocturnal and wild life. The picture can be a symbol of the military, especially those who have visited hot spots. In order not to get into an awkward situation, you need to delve into the meaning of the selected drawing, and it is better to first apply a temporary tattoo.

Wolf tattoo places

Wolf tattoos are often done in a realistic style and often in one color. In the picture, using shadows and highlights, it is important to convey the character of the beast, its strengths. In color images, men emphasize aggressiveness and predatory nature.

The imitation of the rock paintings depicted by the Egyptians, Romans, Indian tribes looks beautiful. Masters recommend getting a wolf tattoo on the arm as a symbolic image, and the back is perfect for a full-fledged and colorful plot, complemented by elements. The predator looks good against the background of the forest.

Stunning body pictures are obtained with the plot of the transformation of a person into an animal, especially walking through the city at night under the moonlight. The owner shows that he wants to subjugate the dark sides of his essence.

Often, men tattoo a wolf's paw on their chest or shoulder, which is a sign of power and steadfastness. Represents dedication, loyalty, success and fearlessness. A person with such an image knows his own worth.

Looks good beast with three eyesfocusing on discernment. Shocking personalities depict a beast tearing someone's skin. A predator with a beret and in the moonlight - valor and fearlessness. Drawings in the Celtic style or troubles look interesting. If there is already a body picture on the arm or back, it is advisable to pay attention to whether it contradicts the meaning of the wolf. Masters recommend applying the tattoo, adhering to the same style.

For the fair sex, the image of a wolf is love for children, custody, justice. However, it symbolizes loneliness and boundless devotion only to its predator, therefore it is not recommended to stuff a white beast.

The contours of the animal or just the head in a realistic style, framed with flowers, look interesting. Girls usually choose bright images, but a black and white tattoo of a wolf on the forearm, chest, leg, shoulder blade also looks good, like a balance of good nature and aggression, light and dark forces, a symbol of choice.

According to legend, an ancient tribe tamed white animals with positive qualities, but only one did not die of loneliness while a man fought with black wolves. The wise Indian said that the future depends on the choice. The people preferred the fight against dark predators, rather than caring for the whites.

Many girls apply wolf tattoos with additional elements - glasses, a watch, or a girl with a predator mask. The paws of the animal are usually stuffed in the lumbar region or near the shoulder blades. The symmetrical picture on the back looks exclusive.

Photo of wolf tattoo on body

Photo of a wolf tattoo on his hands

Photo of a wolf tattoo on his feet