» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of a tulip tattoo

The meaning of a tulip tattoo

For many years, as today, flowers have attracted the attention of people who wanted to decorate themselves with bright, rich and graceful designs. Different flowers were applied to the body, as well as their combination. Each plant had a special meaning.

The meaning of a tulip tattoo

Among all tattoos, the tulpa tattoo was especially popular, which looked equally good on both female and male bodies. If we talk about the image of a tulip on a female body, then the plant emphasizes well its seductive lines and curves. On the male body, it can also look very elegant. This tattoo will emphasize the romantic nature of a person who is constantly striving for adventure. For people of both sexes, a picture in the form of a flower is a good way that helps to express not only their external originality, but also not to hide their inner qualities. Tulip tattoo suitable for people with an open character and creative thinking.

Very often this romantic image is used by young girls. For them, the meaning of the tulip tattoo is displayed in the form of joy. A delicate bud is a symbol:

  • enjoying a full life;
  • faith only in good;
  • beauty and youth;
  • tenderness.

In the legends of European peoples, this flower acted as an image of glory, as well as an unblemished reputation. It is perfect as a wearable design for ideal lovers. Tulips with a red or yellow flower are applied to the body. The red tulip represents a symbol of passion and boundless love. A yellow flower is a sign of hopeless love or gives hope for a future relationship. The image of a yellow tulip is suitable for a person who has been betrayed, but deceived in his feelings.

Places of application of the tulip tattoo

The tulip looks very good on a woman's leg or arm. It can also be found on the belly. Sometimes it is customary to combine a tattoo in the form of this flower with other elements. In this case, it is worth interpreting the meaning of the picture in a completely different way. Before you get yourself a tulip tattoo, you should carefully consider all the sketch options available on the network. Despite the simplicity of this flower, today professional tattooists can complete its image in a variety of very original ways, including styles such as watercolor and trash polka.

Photo of tulip tattoo on body

Photo of tulip tattoo on hand

Photo of tulip tattoo on leg