» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the triangle tattoo

The meaning of the triangle tattoo

According to Plato, the triangle stands for the triune nature of our world: Earth, Heaven and Man, as well as family (mother, father, child).

The adherents of Buddhism see in the triangle a pure and bright flame, Christians - the Holy Trinity, Egyptians - the Triad. The triangle is the most ancient symbol available. It is believed that three connected lines were one of the first meaningful drawings of the first person.

Today, a tattoo with the image of a triangle has many meanings. On the body of a young lady, such a pattern denotes three life cycles: adolescence, maturity and old age.

For a man, the triangle has a different meaning, which also combines three components: physical and spiritual strength, wisdom and beauty.

Often, newlyweds choose a picture with the image of a triangle. In this case, it is, according to Plato, a symbol of a strong family. Young people seem to seal the bonds with yet another symbolic thread.

A person inclined to philosophical reasoning often sees a symbol in a triangle unity of mind, body and immortal soul, or the cyclical nature of earthly life. If we consider this tattoo from this point of view, then it is perfect for everyone who considers himself a harmoniously developed, established personality.

There are many different triangle shapes. The corners of the base can be decreased or increased. In some pictures, the top seems to be elongated, in others it is slightly flattened. However, given that the meaning of the image in this case is problematic to explain, these variations are depicted extremely rarely.

But the isosceles triangle is very popular. Sometimes it is depicted upside down. This is an option for women, since it has a pronounced sexual overtones - according to the Maya Indians, the top resembles a "triangle" in the lower abdomen, the place where the female genitals are.

A triangle within a square is two oppositions (material and spiritual, earthly and heavenly), which, nevertheless, harmoniously combine with each other. Found in modern culture and tattoos in the form of three connected triangles. This means good health and a strong spirit. Sometimes the triangle is depicted in color and is considered a "personal symbol" of a person.

Where to place the tattoo

Drawing a triangle, as a rule, does not take up much space on the body. Girls prefer to "stuff" tattoos on the forearms or on the back between the shoulder blades, which looks feminine and mysterious. Men apply the pattern on their hands, or on the forearms.

Photo of a triangle tattoo on the body

Photo of a triangle tattoo on the arm