» Tattoo meanings » Daddy Angel and Demon

Daddy Angel and Demon

The Angel and the Demon have been portrayed together since ancient times, even at a time when the great and almighty God drove the angels who betrayed him from the Garden of Eden.

Such a tattoo is suitable for young guys, showing their willingness to deal with problems that are piling on a heavy burden from day to day, similar to how an Angel fights a Demon.

Do not exclude the possibility of the presence of this tattoo in girls. Its owner will proudly inform you that like this image, she has no hackneyed stereotypes and is ready to stand up for herself.

What does the "Angel and Demon" tattoo mean for a man?

The decoding of this tattoo has a deep meaning, on a man's body it symbolizes:

  • fight against the system;
  • wise character;
  • deep and understanding soul;
  • willingness to take risks.

For adherents of the classic family charter, or, on the contrary, for rebels and innovators, a tattoo will suit both of these castes due to its main idea - the struggle of opposites.

What does the "Angel and Demon" tattoo mean for a woman?

None less than men, women can also have a tattoo. Many of the self-sufficient and strong girls can also "fill" this tandem.

The meaning of the image on the woman's body is as follows:

  • independence from others;
  • determination and strength in mental combat;
  • freedom from other people's opinions.

Which option to choose?

Basically, tattoos are performed in the style of realism, depicting an Angel with a sword and a halo above his head, from which a bright light emanates. The demon, on the other hand, is in black tones and a dark red shade, with horns and a tail, in his hands - a sharp trident. In the image, they contrast sharply, resembling Yin-Yang.

If you want the tattoo to look brighter, you can play with colors, their choice can be completely unpredictable, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

On which part of the body to "stuff"?

Often the tattoo "Angel and Demon" is done on such parts of the body as:

  • back;
  • scapula;
  • neck;
  • breasts;
  • shoulder;
  • forearm;
  • leg.

These are not strict rules, but only recommendations, we advise you to familiarize yourself with similar tattoos on the Internet, so you can assess exactly where, most of all you would like to leave this symbol of struggle and freedom.

Photo of Dad Angel and Demon on goals

Photo of Angel and Demon tattoo on body

Photo of Angel and Demon tattoo on hands

Photo of Angel and Demon tattoo on legs