» Tattoo meanings » Arrow tattoo meaning

Arrow tattoo meaning

An arrow tattoo is one of the most controversial symbols among all that I have ever seen. On various thematic sites, you can read that this is an exclusively male sign.

In part, one can agree with this. Logic tells us that the arrow is an attribute of the hunter, the breadwinner of the tribe. The bow served man for hunting and protection from raids thousands of years ago. Possession of this weapon implies:

  • calm,
  • accuracy
  • composure.

However, what do we really see? The vast majority of arrow tattoo owners are girls. Moreover, asking some of the owners of this beautiful picture personally, one gets the impression that each puts its own meaning in her tattoo.

The meaning of the arrow tattoo for a girl can be associated with Cupid's arrow and mean the desire to love.
In my opinion, if you attribute certain character traits to the owners of an arrow tattoo, then they will be directness and purposefulness.

Of course, this plot is not overly difficult for any master. Nevertheless, there is always a special charm in minimalism. Arrows are often used as geometric and symmetrical tattoos on body parts such as legs and arms.

According to statistics, the most popular version of such a tattoo is an arrow tattoo on the arm (forearm, wrist) and on the side. And now, by tradition, we offer you an impressive gallery of photographs and sketches.

We tried to find the most delicious and juicy for you. We are waiting for your opinion in the comments!

Photo of an arrow tattoo on the body

Photo of an arrow tattoo on the arm

Photo of an arrow tattoo on the leg