» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the tattoo death with a scythe

The meaning of the tattoo death with a scythe

An unprepared person, when looking at the "Death with a scythe" tattoo, can be seriously scared. The fear of death is quite natural for members of the human race, but some tattoo fans often prefer this sinister image to others, less creepy.

Even in pagan times, our ancestors had a real cult of death. In an effort to protect themselves from her destructive breath, both young people and old people took part in all kinds of rituals. Often they carried a skull or a human bone with them - a kind of challenge to the "old woman with a scythe" and a reminder to oneself that one day you will have to become her victim.

Death with a scythe is a symbolic image. It appeared in the fourteenth century, at the height of the bubonic plague epidemic, which "decimated" almost a quarter of the population of Europe. The echoes of ancient beliefs still exist today. A person choosing a tattoo depicting death with a scythe seeks live by your own rules and loves to take risks.

Tattoo Options

Quite often, death with a scythe is depicted in a decomposition with cards. This means not only that the owner of the tattoo is ready to play with death, but also that he does not believe in the existence of the afterlife. Often, a terrible image is applied to the body of a prisoner and means that a person is able to take the life of another living creature.

Do not disdain the "old woman" and thieves. skull image with a cross means that a person is philosophical about risk and knows that with such a lifestyle he can always perish. Sometimes the tattoo "Death with a scythe" is chosen by a person prone to vandalism, or one whose worldview is close to Satanism.

This mesmerizingly scary tattoo also has a positive meaning. According to some, death depicted on the body plays the role of a kind of amulet and is capable of protect against all kinds of dangers.

This is how modern bikers treat this image, who, despite their colorful and brutal appearance, often turn out to be sincere, kind people. The young ladies also love this unusual plot.

Of course, "female" tattoos, even with the image of death, are noticeably softer. In this case, the skull is accompanied by flowers, bows or petals.

In an esoteric-philosophical sense, the image of death with a scythe means rebirth and renewal. Death is a kind of link in the cycle of life, and, after all, who said that this is a dead end and an end?

Places of tattooing death with a scythe

The tattoo is applied mainly on the chest or shoulder, although other parts of the body, for example, the stomach and back, are often subjected to this procedure.

Death with a scythe is depicted both in color and in black and white version... To compose a colored composition, dark, cold shades are used, although tattoos are often found on which a hellish flame splashes in the eyes of the "old woman".

Photo of a tattoo of death with a scythe on the body

Photo of death tattoo on arm