» Tattoo meanings » Scolopendra tattoo

Scolopendra tattoo

Scolopendra belongs to the order of millipedes that live in countries with warm climates. Giant individuals reach a length of 26 cm. Centipedes attack birds, frogs, lizards.

Some species are poisonous, and their bite is dangerous to humans, but, as a rule, everything goes without death. There is swelling at the site of the bite and pain. Most often, symptoms resolve within a few days.

Scolopendra tattoo

History of the scolopendra tattoo

The history of scolopendra tattoos goes back to ancient times and is associated with various cultures and symbolism. Scolopendras, as multi-legged creatures and tenacious predators, are often associated with qualities such as protection, survival, strength and aggression. Centipedes can have different symbolic meanings in different cultures.

In some cultures, scolopendra is seen as a symbol of protection from evil and bad spirits. In other cultures it is associated with fighting spirit and strength, making the scolopendra tattoo a popular choice for people looking to express their strength and confidence.

It is interesting that in different religious and mythological systems of the world, scolopendra can carry different meanings. For example, in Indian mythology, scolopendra is associated with the goddess Kali, symbolizing strength and the destruction of evil, while in some African cultures it can be seen as a symbol of death and danger.

Scolopendra tattoos can be done in a variety of styles and designs, from realistic to stylized or abstract, allowing each person to choose a tattoo that reflects their own beliefs and symbolic representations.

The meaning of a centipede tattoo

Scolopendra can be found in literary works, where it is considered a symbol of absolute evil and disgusting creature. There is a belief that the soul of a person after death moves into this insect to inspect his home.

In tattoos, the centipede is rarely used. The meaning of a centipede tattoo is as follows: I can, if anything, harm, but not fatally; it's dangerous to deal with me.

Popularity of scolopendra tattoos

The popularity of scolopendra tattoos can be explained by several factors. Here are some of them:

  1. Uniqueness and originality: The scolopendra tattoo is a relatively unconventional choice, which makes it attractive to people who want to stand out from the crowd and have an original taste in tattoo art.
  2. Symbolic meaning: For some people, scolopendra can symbolize protection, survival, strength, or even aggression. Such symbolic meanings can be important for people choosing a scolopendra tattoo.
  3. Aesthetics and design: Centipedes have a unique shape and structure that allows tattoo artists to create colorful and eye-catching designs that can be both realistic and stylized.
  4. Interest in nature and animals: For people who are passionate about nature and the animal world, a scolopendra tattoo can be a way to express their love for these creatures and respect for their amazing nature.
  5. Exotic: Scolopendras are exotic creatures, and for some people, a scolopendra tattoo can be a way to express their affection for exotic animals and the world.

These factors can combine to make the scolopendra tattoo a popular and attractive choice for people looking for unique and symbolic tattoos.

Places of tattooing scolopendra

Insect tattoos are disgusting to many, and this factor should be taken into account when choosing a design. The sizes of the tattoo can be very different. A small tattoo looks good on the hands, while a large image can be applied to the entire forearm or arm. Both men and women are tattooed with a centipede. The drawing looks good both in monochrome and in color.

Photo of a scolopendra tattoo on his hands

Photo of scolopendra tattoo on body

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