» Tattoo meanings » Tattoo jester

Tattoo jester

The main purpose of the jester is to make the owner have fun. The Jester is the same clown whose history goes deep into the Middle Ages. Most often, the jester is portrayed in a strange cap.

The three long tails of the cap are the donkey's tail and ears. Everyone treated the clowns condescendingly and allowed them what other subjects could not do. Underdeveloped children, people with mental disabilities, gifted actors became comedians.

Clowns were used to criticize the king and power, which was illegal. Thus, through the antics of the comedian, the king and the courtiers heard the complaints of the nobles, their disagreement with politics, claims. Since the jesters moved from one court to another, they acted as a kind of intermediaries between the nobles.

The meaning of a jester tattoo

The image of a funny man is popular in tattoo art. According to connoisseurs of the art of underwear painting, the meaning of a jester tattoo is as follows. Man with such a tattoo much smarter and more cunningthan meets the eye. His quick wit and ability to think logically will be the envy of many.

Passion for cards indicates passion, a tendency to fraud, a desire for unjustified risk. A comedian can be funny and sad. A sad tattoo indicates a person's desire to stop pretending. This image symbolizes complex internal contradictions.

Places of tattoo jester

Jester tattoo is most often applied to the back, chest, shoulder. Mostly the clown is depicted in colored paints, much less often it is black and white. The king and jester tattoo is very popular among the fans of the famous group. Images can be very different. Both a portrait of the group's soloist and symbolic drawings associated with the group are applied.

Photo of jester tattoo on body

Photo dad shot at hands