» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the salamander tattoo

The meaning of the salamander tattoo

It seems that no creature in the world is overgrown with myths to the same extent as the fire salamander. According to ancient scientists, this amphibian feels great where there is fire, and can even live in the mouth of a volcano.

In fact, not everyone will be lucky to see a salamander on fire, although theoretically it is, in fact, resistant to flame. The lizard lives both in African countries and in the legendary Carpathian mountains.

Salamander in various cultures

Alchemists who tried to find the Philosopher's Stone saw it literally everywhere. The salamander was no exception.

In their opinion, an amphibian with a unique poisonous breath is able to maintain the desired temperature during a mysterious procedure. That is why the salamander was often painted in red.

Interest in the lizard did not fade away either in the Middle Ages or in the Renaissance. On medieval emblems, the salamander has already somewhat lost its infernal image, and has become a symbol of the "fiery" struggle between good and evil.

In the heraldry of Western Europe, this amazingly beautiful amphibian signified courage, fortitude and bravery. The coat of arms with the salamander was proudly worn by representatives of noble families.

The interpretation of the image of the salamander in Christianity is very interesting. Honoring asexual and symbolizing humility and chastity, the amphibian was almost a sacred creature. Given its resistance to fire, it, according to theologians, was an example of how exactly a Christian should fight against devilish obsessions and temptations.

In modern culture, the meaning of a salamander tattoo: courage, pride and leadership... Most often, a tattoo depicting this amphibian is chosen by passionate and strong personalities - one who considers himself a leader and is not devoid of healthy ambitions.

Given that the amphibian is active in the dark, it is not surprising that over time it began to symbolize conflicting oppositions: constancy and frivolity, dashing self-confidence and serene peace.

Salamander is worshiped as a spirit of fire. Most often, a small wingless dragon is depicted surrounded by tongues of raging fire.

Salamander tattoo sites

Salamander tattoo is equally loved by both sexes. Young ladies prefer to wear tattoos with this mythical amphibian on the inside of their arms, men - on their shoulders and chest.

Salamander tattoo photo on the body

Photo of a salamander tattoo on his arm

Photo of a salamander tattoo on his leg