» Tattoo meanings » What does wind rose tattoo mean?

What does wind rose tattoo mean?

Body drawing, called "Wind rose", is quite common these days. It represents the Pole Star with eight rays, symbolizing the cardinal points (main and intermediate points); less often the number of rays can be 4 or 16. This image is applied to the body both by itself and with the addition of various details. The meaning of the wind rose tattoo goes back centuries.

From history to the present day

Many people, according to the described body pattern, identify representatives of the criminal world. But initially it was exclusively a symbol of sailors, for whom the starry sky served as the main reference point, and the tailwind served as a faithful assistant. Mariners who lived before the invention of the compass were extremely superstitious, and such a tattoo was applied to the body as a navigation device, as well as amuletthat will save life and will help achieve the goal.

After some time, the "Wind Rose" acquired the status of an honorary award, testifying to the valor, inflexibility and courage of its owner. In addition to sailors, this image was extremely popular with pirates. Perhaps this explains the fact that these days such a tattoo is especially revered by representatives of the criminal world. After all, there are many signs that unite these two categories of people: illegality, fearlessness, aggression, etc.

Among the jailers, the "Wind Rose" is inflicted only on representatives of the "highest caste". In this case, the most adamant of them, the drawing is applied on the knees, which is especially honorable, because the tattoo means that its owner impossible to subdue, and a tattoo on the shoulder indicates the great authority of its owner among the "thieves".

Nevertheless, many modern people, having nothing to do with the already described "vocations", turn to tattoo artists with a request to apply this symbol. The fact is that such an image carries many other meanings, among which everyone can find something that corresponds to his worldview.

Freedom symbol

Whatever the age of the people who adorn themselves with the Navigation Star, its main meaning is invariable - it is a talisman accompanying the desire for external and internal freedom. These, in addition to the above-mentioned navigators and criminals, include:

  • travelers;
  • individuals with broad interests and views;
  • creative people who do not tolerate work "according to the template" and "under supervision";
  • inveterate bachelors opposing family ties;
  • teenagers trying to break out of parental control, etc.

Original decoration

For young people, this drawing is often just an elegant decoration, in which both the shape and the name are attractive. After all, the word "rose" in the name of the tattoo means "perfection and invincibility." Guys mostly inject a strict tattoo with the image of the North Star in the shoulder or ankle area, and the girls prefer a real one instead of vector rays in the center of the picture. red rose... At the same time, the former with the help of a tattoo emphasize their masculinity, and the latter - tenderness and sophistication. However, any other person on whose body a "Wind Rose" appears in the eyes of others becomes more attractive, and his status rises.

Популярность татуировки роза ветров

Татуировка розы ветров, или компаса, является одной из самых популярных и символичных татуировок. Ее популярность объясняется глубокими символическими значениями и универсальностью дизайна. Вот некоторые из основных причин популярности татуировки розы ветров:

  1. Направление и путешествия: Роза ветров является символом направления и путешествия. Этот символ ассоциируется с путешествиями, исканием пути в жизни и означает стремление к новым горизонтам.
  2. Помощь в принятии решений: Роза ветров также ассоциируется с помощью в принятии решений и выборе правильного пути. Ее изображение на теле может быть напоминанием о том, что важно следовать своему сердцу и интуиции.
  3. Путеводная звезда: Центр розы ветров обычно обозначается путеводной звездой, которая символизирует ориентацию и направление в жизни. Это может быть напоминанием о том, что важно оставаться верным своим ценностям и целям.
  4. Symbol of strength and protection: Для некоторых людей роза ветров может быть символом силы и защиты от злых духов или несчастий. Она может служить амулетом или талисманом, который оберегает носителя.
  5. Aesthetics and style: Кроме символического значения, роза ветров также имеет привлекательный дизайн и геометрическую форму, что делает ее популярной среди любителей татуировок из-за ее красоты и стиля.

Татуировка розы ветров может быть выполнена в различных стилях и размерах, что делает ее универсальной и подходящей для различных вкусов и предпочтений. Она остается одной из самых востребованных и значимых татуировок, которая не теряет своей популярности со временем.

Photo of wind rose tattoo on hand

Photo of wind rose tattoo on leg

Photo of wind rose tattoo on body

Compass rose tattoo | Time lapse