» Tattoo meanings » Pulse tattoo

Pulse tattoo

Very often you can hear a comparison of a person's life with a pulse strip running across the monitor. For some, life is bright and fleeting, for others it is filled with peaks of ups and downs, and some feel on themselves the fullness of its blows. The same can be said about a person's pulse, which depends on the person's physical and emotional health. Some people tattoo on their body in the form of a pulse in order to display in this way rhythm of your life.

Pulse tattoo meaning

The tattoo, which depicts the pulse, symbolizes a person's craving for travel, adventure and a great lust for life. Other meanings include:

  • the desire to move only forward;
  • love in the broadest sense of the word;
  • triumph of life over death.

And at the same time, a pulse tattoo on the arm or on the wrist can mean practically nothing, but act as an original tattoo. It is necessary to draw conclusions from the motives that prompted a person to apply such a picture, as well as from what inscriptions it is accompanied by. Sometimes the inscription next to the pulse image can give a new meaning to the picture.

However, the same phrase can mean different meanings, therefore, in the meaning of this tattoo, everything is very individual. For example, a person's name can mean a loss, or vice versa, that a person loves someone and does not want to lose him.

The use of a tattoo in the form of a pulse by athletes

This image is very popular among people who practice various sports. It is in demand among fans of martial arts, namely wrestlers, boxers, karate fighters and other athletes. In this case, the tattoo acts as a kind of amulet and helps to maintain self-control. After all, it is very important for people in big sports to have good health and a hardened spirit. We can say that this image acts as a reminder for the athlete, which helps him to take care of his health and not deviate from the correct lifestyle. This tattoo is also suitable for people who have a lot of inner energy.

In the photo of the pulse tattoo on the arm, you can often see it drawn next to a heart, which, with its blows, sets the rhythm of a person's life. Notes and musical symbols are also used, among which you can often find treble clef... People who have defeated a terrible disease start drawing with a straight line, which gradually turns into a normal rhythm of the heartbeat.

Photo of pulse tattoo on body

Photo of pulse tattoo on hand

Photo of pulse tattoo on head