» Tattoo meanings » Photos tattoos lettering about mom

Photos tattoos lettering about mom

It is very difficult to express to your mother your endless love for some people with words. They get tattoos.

I offer a rating of the most popular inscriptions dedicated to love for mom.

Thanks to my mom for my life

Such a tattoo is worn by very emotional people who are in awe of their parents and family. This is a good way to express your feelings for your mother and show your gratitude to the world. This pattern is often applied to the forearm, from the elbow to the wrist.

My mom is my angel

This drawing is usually found in those people who have a very close and strong relationship with their mother. It is fashionable to understand that the word "family" for this person is not just a word, but the real meaning of life.

Only mom is worthy of love

Unfortunately, this inscription betrays a person who is very disappointed in women. It is worn by men who have been betrayed and abandoned many times.

Photo tattoo inscription about mother on the body

Photo of tattoo inscription about mom on hand