» Tattoo meanings » Nail piercing

Nail piercing

Beautiful and graceful nails are the hallmark of any woman. It is when you look at them that you can tell a lot about their mistress. However, even the most unusual manicure is now quite difficult to surprise anyone. Therefore, both young girls and older women resort to more and more sophisticated methods of improving their bodies. Piercing for nails is gaining more and more popularity.

It is still quite difficult to find this service in every salon, although after a certain period of time it will cease to be something out of the ordinary. If at the moment this type of piercing is found only occasionally, then very soon it can be seen almost everywhere.

The main benefits of nail piercing

Compared to other types of body piercing, nail piercing boasts a number of beneficial benefits. Therefore, even minors can do it. So, the main advantages of this piercing:

  • Unlike a terribly painful piercing of, say, a lip or tongue, nail piercings are completely painless. At the same time, it is possible to bring the infection into the body only with the extreme negligence of the master;
  • For the most part, this type of piercing is done on false nails. This way you don't have to worry about your own nail. It is quite difficult to damage it;
  • This type of piercing can be done at home. No special skills are required here.

What types of jewelry are best for you?

Another advantage of nail piercing is the fact that you can choose any jewelry you like among a huge number of them. The most popular ones are:

    • Rings. Here the choice is truly huge. Moreover, they can be both with pebbles and beads. Single or double rings can be used. In a word, their choice is limited, in fact, by your imagination;
    • Carnations. Most often used in metal. There can also be the most diverse and intricate shapes from the sun and a flower, to a ball and a circle. Decorations decorated in several tiers are very popular. In this regard, several rings or even whole chains stand out. They are attached directly to the nail using a kind of bracelet. A similar cascade looks very impressive on long nails.

As you can see, there are a huge number of options for jewelry, as well as their varieties. What exactly to choose depends primarily on you and your personal preferences.

Prerequisites for piercing the nail

Most importantly, your nails should never break or tend to flake. Health comes first here. Otherwise, this can lead to an even greater deterioration in their condition.

The size of the nails is also very important. On short nails, the piercing will look either not at all, or it will be, but not spectacular. If their length is insufficient, it makes sense to carry out the extension procedure. It can be easily performed in any beauty salon.
Often people who want to get pierced nails ask themselves: which finger is the best to choose for this?

In principle, of course, you can use any. However, at first it will be most advisable to get pierced on the little finger. This is the easiest way to get used to unusual sensations. In addition, in everyday life, he practically will not bother you. Later you can use any other finger for this purpose.

The choice of varnish also needs to be approached with great scrupulousness. In general, piercings on any colored varnish will not look good. French manicure, by the way, is just perfect for these purposes. It is this that can be done beforehand for piercing.

Getting rid of your piercing is easy. Unlike complex piercing of other parts of the body, in our case it is enough to simply cut the nails as short as possible. This will solve the whole problem.

Nail piercing procedure

Beforehand, it is still advisable to carry out the procedure for strengthening the nails with the help of a special gel or acrylic. Then, using a pneumatic pistol, a small hole is made in the nail. After that, the chosen decoration is put on using tweezers. The final touch is to secure the ring with pliers. In general, the piercing is done very quickly, the hole turns out to be extremely small.

Although this jewelry belongs to the category of harmless, you still need to adhere to a number of simple safety rules. First of all, it is recommended to remove the piercing during any physical labor. It also doesn't make much sense to hang very long jewelry on the nail. In this case, it can be easily caught and damaged in everyday life.

Following these simple rules will give you the pleasure of piercing, and will leave a lasting impression on those around you!

Photo of nail piercing options