» Tattoo meanings » Photo and meaning of pigeon tattoo

Photo and meaning of pigeon tattoo

The association with a dove as a bird of the world has long been firmly rooted in our minds, the meaning of a pigeon tattoo, as you might guess, partly lies in this interpretation of the image.

However, in order to get a complete picture, it is still worth looking into history and mythology.

The origins of the symbolic meaning of the image of a dove

In many cultures, birds were considered the embodiment of the souls of the dead and messengers of the gods due to their ability to soar between heaven and earth.

This symbolism is inherent in the dove. This bird has also been associated with kindness, meekness, peacefulness and kindness, although the behavior of a pigeon in nature actually has nothing to do with these qualities.

The images of these birds have positive symbolism, and, what is remarkable, the ideas of different peoples about them in many respects coincided.

Ancient polytheistic religions

In ancient Egypt, a dove was depicted sitting in the branches of the Tree of Life and holding a vessel filled with living water. It was also considered a symbol of purity and integrity. Already in those days, the priests used these birds as postmen.

In Greece, pigeons were an attribute of Aphrodite and were kept at her temples. It was believed that these birds are very loving, but at the same time they remain faithful to their partner and become caring parents. The cooing of pigeons was associated with longing for love. According to legend, once a dove flew to Dodona, which spoke in a human voice. In connection with this significant event, a sanctuary was founded in the city, in which the priestess-prophetesses served.

In addition, the Greeks believed that due to the absence of the gallbladder, which was considered the cause of all the bad character traits of both humans and any other living creature, the dove is an exceptionally kind and peaceful creature. Since the bird eats some types of medicinal plants, its blood, entrails and even droppings were used by ancient healers to treat ailments.

In Japan, as in China, the dove symbolized longevity, a happy marriage, a strong family and the respect of children for their parents. Also in the Land of the Rising Sun, this bird was considered one of the attributes of the god of war, and a dove with a sword was a sign of the end of the war.

Monotheistic religions

The Law of Moses says that the dove is a pure being. The Jews sacrificed him when a child was born into the family. Christians saw in the dove the embodiment of the Holy Spirit, this image is ubiquitous in Christian iconography. In the stories about the death of martyrs and saints, their souls are also depicted in the form of doves soaring into heaven.

According to legend, the dove flew to Noah in the Ark with an olive twig in its beak, thereby proclaiming the establishment of peace between God and man. Also, this bird symbolizes spiritual liberation through sincere faith.

The dove has found a place in Islam as well. The bird appeared on the shoulder of the Prophet Muhammad, showing the indulgence of divine inspiration.

Picasso dove

After the end of World War II, the expression “dove of peace” became quite common thanks to the World Peace Congress in 1949, or rather, its emblem. She became drawing by Pablo Picasso, which depicted a white dove with an olive branch in its beak. The artist turned to a rather ancient subject, giving him a second wind.

The meaning of a pigeon tattoo

The meaning of a pigeon tattoo does not differ depending on gender, in addition, such tattoos are equally common among both women and men, and their symbolism is extremely positive. So, what is the designation of a pigeon tattoo.

Sublimation and purity of spirit

The dove as a symbol of spirituality indicates that a person puts the needs of the soul above the needs of the body. The owner of such a tattoo strictly follows his moral principles, acts according to his conscience, is kind and fair to his neighbors.

This meaning can be traced especially clearly in works with a bird flying in the clouds through which the sun's rays break through, or with religious symbols: a rosary, a cross, the Star of David.


Dove tattoo means liberation from spiritual shackles. Man has found his way and is no longer tormented by doubts. If earlier confusion reigned in his soul, now he has decided on his desires and the choice of the right path.


The dove is a symbol of all-consuming love, devotion to your beloved or beloved, no matter what. In ancient times, it was believed that this bird is distinguished by such qualities, a dove on a hand, for example, will look harmoniously with roses or hearts, which will enhance this meaning.

Family happiness

Since pigeons have acquired the fame of caring parents and faithful spouses, their image indicates an adherent of traditional family values, a person who is ready to do anything for the well-being of his loved ones. It is these associations that arise with works that depict a pair of birds, pigeons in a nest with chicks.

Peace and harmony

A tattoo with a bird of peace carrying an olive twig suggests that a person lives in harmony with himself and others.

Dove tattoo sites

Most often, you can find realistic tattoos with doves. This is not surprising, because the style, although incredibly complex in execution, allows you to depict the bird in all details, making it "alive".

The most popular are monochrome works with white doves; colored tattoos are usually complemented with bright roses, ribbons and other decorative elements. Often there are tattoos with a religious theme or even reproductions of famous paintings on this topic. Such large-scale images often take up the entire back.

Small pigeons on the wrist, hand, neck or ankle also look quite harmonious if the sketch is laconic and not overloaded with small details.

Monochrome dotwork works, consisting of thousands of tiny dots, are interesting and unusual. This design will look good even if you already have (or will) have tattoos in other styles. The only drawback of the addition is that such tattoos are difficult to correct.

Watercolor pigeons look very delicate, but at the same time bright. This style allows you to deviate from traditional canons and paint the bird with colorful paints, leaving random streaks and splashes. Another interesting option is an image of an origami figurine in the form of a dove in a linework style with watercolor elements.

As for the choice of a place on the body, it is worth starting from the size and shape of the future tattoo. For example, vertically elongated sketches of a tattoo with a dove on a leg or on an arm will look quite harmonious, the chest or upper back is well suited for horizontal work, and the best places for round tattoos are the shoulder blade, shoulder, and thigh.

Photo of a dove tattoo on the body

Photo of dove tattoo on hand

Photo of a dove tattoo on the leg