» Tattoo meanings » Tattoos from damage and evil eye

Tattoos from damage and evil eye

Over time, the goals of people who tattoo themselves change.

If earlier, wearable drawings had a purely practical meaning - they indicated belonging to a tribe or clan, they talked about achievements and military merits.

Soon, the main plots began to give meaning. Many tattoos had a certain generally accepted meaning, and one of the foremost among them is protection.

Since ancient times, people have sought to protect themselves and their families from evil spirits and the wrath of the gods. The amulets instilled confidence and endowed the owners with additional strength. We suggest looking at a small selection of such symbols.

If tattoos for you are not just an aesthetic decoration of the body, then here you will surely find a symbol to your liking.

Cross tattoo on back


Depends on the shape of the cross

tattoos with Scandinavian ornaments on kadyke

Scandinavian runes

Positive or negative energy

dreamcatcher tattoo with blue and pink flowers

Lovec snovi

Protective amulet

Tattoo in the Egyptian style on the back of the head

Protective amulets

Protection from the evil eye, damage and other failures

Praying Hands Tattoo On Back

Praying handsFaith, prayer

Jesus Christ tattoo on the side of a guy

Jesus ChristCloseness to god

Angel chest tattoo

AngelInner strength, purity of thoughts, faith in God

Archangel tattoo on the whole back

ArchangelDefender, arbiter of destinies