» Tattoo meanings » Photos of tattoos "My mother is my angel"

Photos of tattoos "My mother is my angel"

Such a tattoo is done by people who are very devoted to the family, who know about what tests mothers have gone through and how difficult it is to remain always a calm and loving woman.

This inscription for girls signals a girl's great affection for her mother, a great dependence on the older generation and a desire to express this affection.

In men, the inscription speaks not only of great love for the parent, but also of the ability to understand and accept subtle female natures, to see more in them than others.

The inscription is often placed on the ribs near the heart or on the shoulder blades, complementing the inscription with a drawing of an angel with a face or mother's features.

Photo of the tattoo "My mother is my angel" on the body

Photo of the tattoo "My mother is my angel" on the arm