» Tattoo meanings » Meaning of bear tattoos

Meaning of bear tattoos

Bear tattoos have come down to us since Celtic times, when warriors made them an emblem, and girls - a female symbol of the moon and childbirth.

In which image and on which parts of the body it is best to apply the image, we will tell you in our article. With the help of photos and sketches, you can appreciate the greatness and beauty of the beast, despite its massive and formidable appearance.

The meaning of a bear tattoo

The meaning of a bear tattoo for a man consists of the animal's lifestyle, its depiction in the folklore of various cultures, habits and habits, as well as representations in the religion and beliefs of individual peoples.

Since then, the meaning of the picture has been twofold: on the one hand, the predator personifies aggressiveness and cruelty, valor and courage, and on the other, motherhood, care, protection of offspring.

They feared the ferocious and huge beast, but wanted to be like him, especially on the battlefield. Observing the habits of a clubfoot, different peoples deified it in their own way, so different meanings and legends appeared.

  • Rebirth and the beginning of a new life. Brown and black bears sleep in a den throughout the winter and only go out to hunt in the spring. Bear tattoo closed mouth inflicted by individuals who are ready to radically change their habits and lives.
  • A symbol of struggle, physical and spiritual strength. To emphasize masculinity, determination, stamina and strength, to overcome all obstacles, the stronger sex chooses the image of a brown predator or grizzly, complementing the image with ferocity and vindictiveness. A polar bear tattoo means not only loneliness and independence, but also a wild desire to protect your territory from strangers, to survive in any situation. This symbol is often found among northern peoples. The body picture looks great when performed with white paints.
  • Militancy and heroism. This meaning of a bear tattoo has gone back to the days of the Vikings. Their power and countless victories in battle lay in the front line, where berserkers stood - aggressive and ferocious warriors in bearskin clothing. Since then, rumors have spread about werewolves, since on the field the fighters possessed superhuman strength, continued to fight even after being wounded by a spear and fell to the ground only after victory. They were patronized by the god Odin, and the souls of the killed berserkers fell to him. According to Scandinavian mythology, the bear connected them with the deity, gave them the energy of battle. The body picture, the mark from the claws, means nobility and military prowess, mystical powers. If the bear is depicted with red or fiery eyes, it is a symbol of werewolf berserkers. In ancient Germany, there was a warlike god Thor, he reincarnated into a wild beast. The priestesses of the temple of the goddess Artemis, patroness of fertility and hunting, wore costumes of a predator. Shamans with the help of his mask summoned the spirits of the forest. The Slavic bear tattoo represents wisdom and motherhood. It is believed that the ancestor of the Slavs is a hairy beast, the owner and guardian of the forest thicket.
  • The bear can mean limitless and eternal power. In Egypt, the picture could only be worn by pharaohs, demigods-half-people. The Indian rulers used the image as a title. The common people did not have the authority to put the image of the beast on the body. Bear paw tattoo personifies power, authority, nobility and military valor, in some nations it is considered a mystical symbol.
  • The bear represents wisdom, justice, and patience mainly among the Japanese. However, they like it better panda... The body picture of this animal is suitable for individuals with a deep inner world, without evil thoughts, calm and positive, incapable of quick action. In addition, the Indians symbolize the beast with the energy of peace and freedom, they conduct rituals.
  • Russian bear tattoo - greatness, luck, courage. He patronizes hunters, gives them courage and helps in the forest. He is the national symbol of Russia. Often athletes put on the image of an Olympic bear, which became popular in 1980.
  • A vicious beast that breeds sin. This symbol was endowed with him by representatives of the Islamic and Christian religions, as well as the West. They classify the predator as a devilish force, as if he inclines humanity to greed, gluttony and other misdeeds. However, fear of predators and natural disasters always gives rise to belief in dark forces or gods.
  • The meaning of the tattoo of a bear on the zone is the dominant position, if it is applied to the shoulder. The jailers believe that the beast heals physical and spiritual wounds. If the animal is standing and holding in its paws medieval ax, it indicates a burglar - a cracker. The second option: the offender was serving a sentence in felling.

Bear tattoos for men - strength and self-confidence

Men choose more aggressive and larger pictures than girls. If a teddy bear is applied, it is with a bloody dagger in its paw. On the male body, predators look great in the Polynesian, realistic and Celtic style with braided elements, as well as abstraction with broken and rounded lines. Bear tattoos on the shoulders, forearm, back and chest look good. You can apply symmetrical pictures, it will turn out very effectively.

Some personalities put on the head of a robotic predator: on one side, thick fur, on the other - metal elements... For body paintings, it is better to select large sketches, and even whole plots. An interesting bear looks in armor with a sword and shield and with a concentrated look. Often there are tattoos of a bear on the leg and arm: in the foreground its head and two large paws with claws. Additional elements can be taiga, armor, scratches, drops of blood.

An image in a realistic style is best performed in one color, using a wide range of shades, shadows, transitions. You can draw the tongue and teeth with a different pigment. White and brown animals look beautiful on the back, where you can create a unique plot and volume.

Men often opt for a bear tattoo with a grin, which means courage, spiritual and physical strength, readiness to fight the enemy at any moment, to overcome all adversity.

Women's bear tattoos - motherhood and protection

Girls often choose a bear with a teddy bear, personifying care, love for children and family. If a predator licks a baby - a symbol of art, because it gives a new shape to its fur. Animals are almost always depicted with closed mouths, they look more calm and kind.

A teddy bear with a heart on the lower back will look beautiful, giving the image a light playfulness. Pandas and brown bears can be supplemented with eucalyptus or bamboo. The outline of a predator looks feminine when snow-white flowers grow instead of wool. The faces of animals on the foot or shoulder blade look interesting.

Girls prefer to wear bear tattoos from childhood: fairy tale characters or plush toys.

Photo of bear tattoo on body

Photo of a bear tattoo on the arm

Photo of a bear tattoo on the leg