» Tattoo meanings » Love tattoos

Love tattoos

Love is a bright feeling that everyone, without exception, strives for.

Tattoos allow you to perpetuate touching moments, bitterness of loss, oaths of allegiance and just deep thoughts that will warm you on cold nights.

Drawings on the skin are designed to attract and maintain warm feelings, perpetuate the memory of happy days.

The meaning of love tattoos

The symbol of love is by far one of the most common tattoos among girls. A love tattoo can be of any kind. Everything is found: pictures, intricate patterns, inscriptions in different languages ​​of the world.

Love tattoos can be of different lengths - from short, consisting of the initials of the beloved, to long sentences of warm feelings. The most common inscriptions are Love and the image of a heart.

The main options for a tattoo about love

  • A capacious short statement in English, French, Italian, Latin. Tattoo can be translated.
  • Love sign tattoo can consist of one Chinese or Japanese characterwhich mean Happiness, Eternal love, Love.
  • Love is a feeling in which two are present. Often, lovers make themselves a tattoo with half of an inscription or drawing, so that the full version can be appreciated only when they are together.
  • Arabic inscriptions are also quite often the object of applying to the skin.
  • The oldest symbol of passion is heart of different sizes... There may also be additional elements, such as a rose or arrow.
  • Infinity is considered a symbol of love. Often, the initials of the beloved or a capacious phrase that plays the role of a motto for the owner of the tattoo are inscribed in the figure eight of this symbol.
  • The angel is designed to protect warm feelings and bring happiness.
  • Sensuality and passion ignite dolphin or a frog, as well as a scarlet rose.

Places of applying love tattoos

Small tattoos are usually applied to the wrist, ankle or hand. Larger specimens are placed on the chest, back, shoulder. By and large, it does not matter which tattoo will be a symbol of love, the main thing is its uniqueness, originality and deep emotional content, the main purpose of which is protecting the fragile world of two... It is undesirable to place the inscription on the belly, since there is a high probability that it will float and become unreadable.

You can either invent phrases for a love tattoo yourself or refer to the classics of literature. Writing an inscription in a foreign language makes it more original and understandable only for two, whose feelings it is designed to protect.

Photo of love tattoos on the body

Photo of love tattoos on the arm

Photo of love tattoo on the leg