» Tattoo meanings » Svarog square tattoo

Svarog square tattoo

The Svarog square is an ancient Slavic symbol that carries an amazing protective and protective power. It was used by our ancestors for religious purposes.

There is a strong primordial power hidden in him, subject to few. Other names: Star of Russia or the Star of Lada.

Historical information

The appearance is represented by several interpenetrating parts, depicting the hearth and four petals of flame from it. Inside the symbol is a brace, an ancient symbol of the sun god. The appearance of the sign and its symbolism are associated with ideas about the world of ancient people. It was believed that the Earth is supported by three whales and the whole world is divided into three parts:

  • Reality is the present, the real existence of man on earth from birth to death.
  • Nav is an unreal other world that cannot be seen.
  • Rule is the world inhabited by the gods who determine the fate of man.

The meaning of the Svarog square is the harmony between the worlds, the unity of everything divine, human and otherworldly.

The petals unite faith, justice, freedom and honor. A sketch of a Svarog square tattoo shows that it carries the victory of harmony over chaos. The protruding tongues of flame of the hearth drive away all negative energy from the owner, protect from otherworldly harmful effects.


Depending on the name of the amulet, the semantic load is different.

  • Svarog Square - the flame in the symbol is associated with blacksmithing. This sign is the patron saint of men, physical labor, creativity. Like the god Svarog, the symbol protects people who work with their hands and put all their strength into business.
  • Star of Russia - provides protection to the owner by the native gods, gives strength of mind. The purpose of the symbol is to transfer wisdom and experience to subsequent generations, sacred knowledge from the forefathers, connects with all his kind. Helps you find your own path, develops intuition.
  • Star of Lada - the flame is associated with a home, family hearth, which is guarded by a woman. The girl brought harmony, poise into the house. So the symbol calms the nervous system, pacifies anger, gives wisdom and prudence. The sign helped to get married, create a happy harmonious family based on love and understanding.

The meaning of the Svarog square tattoo (and other names) is associated with nature, the respect of the Slavs for the world around them and the gods.

To whom does it suit?

Depending on what meaning a person puts into a symbol, it will carry a different meaning. The Svarog Square tattoo is better suited for men, it will provide his protection and will help in all endeavors. Girls can call on a female goddess to help themselves and call the tattoo the Star of Lada. Those who wish to receive the wisdom of their ancestors, receive the help of the gods and unite with their own kind will do the Star of Russia.

Positioning on the body

The area of ​​the heart will be the best place. It is through him that vital energy passes, which will constantly charge the symbol and provide the highest protection. Other more hidden or prominent places will also work, the Svarog square tattoo will still work as a talisman, protect and give strength.

Photo of a squirrel square tattoo on the body

Photo of a squirrel square tattoo on the arm