» Tattoo meanings » 5 dots on the arm tattoo meaning

5 dots on the arm tattoo meaning

What is the meaning of the 5 dots tattoo on the arm?

This is a tattoo depicting one side of a die with five dots. Four points are located in the corners, and one is in the middle. This design is one of the symbols of a prison tattoo and may indicate that the person who has it spent some time in prison. Usually this time is at least a day.

The symbolism of this tattoo can be interpreted in different ways. The first interpretation suggests that the central point symbolizes a person who is surrounded by true friends, which serves as his protection and support. However, the second interpretation represents the opposite situation: the central point is surrounded by walls, which indicates that the person is surrounded by enemies or prison walls, which symbolizes his defenselessness and loneliness.

You must be careful when choosing such a tattoo, as it is often associated with the prison subculture and can cause negative reactions from both society and law enforcement agencies. In addition, the interpretation of the symbolism of such a tattoo can be different and depends on the context and interpretation of each person.

5 dots on the arm tattoo meaning

The history of the appearance of the “5 dots” tattoo on the arm

The history of the Five Dots tattoo on the arm is rooted in prison culture. This symbol became a kind of sign of belonging to the prison community and symbolized a certain status of the prisoner.

Initially, the “Five Points” were a way for prisoners to indicate their belonging to the prison gang and their status within the closed world of prison walls. In a prison environment, this tattoo had a symbolic meaning, indicating certain rights and responsibilities to other prisoners.

Over time, the “Five Dots” tattoo became widely known outside prison walls. Its meaning and symbolism may vary depending on the context and cultural setting. For some, it may simply be an interesting decoration; for others, it may be a symbol of strength, resilience, or a certain affiliation with an alternative culture.

However, despite the evolution of the meaning of tattoos, it should be remembered that they are still associated with prison culture and can cause misunderstandings or negative reactions in society. Therefore, before getting such a tattoo, it is important to weigh the pros and cons, and also contact an experienced tattoo artist who will help translate your idea into a high-quality and safe execution.

Who wears 5 dot tattoos?

These tattoos are traditionally worn by men who have served time in prison. In prison culture, they serve as a kind of “quality mark”, indicating the status and experience of the prisoner. However, in ordinary life, such a tattoo can be made by any person who is not related to the prison subculture.

If someone who knows about such a tattoo asks you a question about its meaning, it is important to clearly and confidently explain what it symbolizes for you. Don't try to embellish your past or pretend you served time when you didn't. Such statements can be easily disproven, and the consequences of lying can be serious.

5 dots on the arm tattoo meaning

Where are the five points packed?

The Five Points tattoo is usually placed on the back of the hand at the base of the thumb. It can also often be seen between the thumb and index finger. This tattoo, as a rule, is applied not with a tattoo machine, but with an ordinary needle, which is called a “portochok” among prisoners.

Should I get such a tattoo?

Deciding whether to get a Five Dots tattoo depends on many factors, including your personal identification with the symbol, your understanding of its meaning, and the consequences of such a decision. It is important to consider that this tattoo is associated with the prison subculture and wearing it may cause misunderstandings or negative reactions from others.

If this tattoo has a special meaning for you related to your beliefs, experiences or personal journey, and you are prepared for possible reactions, then you can decide in its favor. However, it is worth remembering that the symbolism of the Five Points tattoo may not be clear enough for most people, and they may interpret it incorrectly, which can lead to undesirable situations.

It is also important to consider the legal aspects and possible consequences of wearing a tattoo that may be associated with criminal activity. Before deciding on such a tattoo, it is recommended to consider all aspects and consult with an experienced tattoo artist or psychologist.

Photo of 5 dots tattoo on head

Photo of 5 point tattoo on body

Photo of 5 dots tattoo on hands

Photo of 5 dots tattoo on legs

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