» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of a cat tattoo for girls

The meaning of a cat tattoo for girls

Today we will focus on a symbol that really has something to tell. After all, the meaning of a cat tattoo can actually differ based on which side to look at this animal.

The image of a cat is a rather colorful tattoo with numerous meanings and ancient legends. In the article, you will find out where it is better to apply the picture, and a selection of original photos and sketches will help you make the right choice.

First of all, a cat is a hunter, therefore, without luck, caution, cunning, intelligence and the ability to adapt in different situations, it is impossible to emerge victorious with the prey (mouse). In ancient states and different eras, their own legends and symbols were born, contradicting each other.

The meaning of a cat tattoo for girls

The history of the cat tattoo

The history of cat tattoos dates back to ancient times, when animals, including cats, played an important role in the religious, mythological and cultural beliefs of various peoples. Already in ancient Egypt, cats were especially revered, considered sacred animals and associated with the goddess Bastet, the patroness of the hearth, pregnant women and children. It was in this context that images of cats in the form of tattoos could symbolize protection, family well-being and maternal care.

Cats also have a special meaning in Japanese culture. Cat tattoos are common in Japanese art, especially in traditional ukiyo-e, where cats are often depicted in playful and mysterious poses. In Japanese culture, cats are associated with good luck and protection from harm, which can be reflected in tattoos.

In modern culture, cat tattoos often carry a variety of symbolic meanings. For many people, cats are symbols of independence, grace, mystery and intuition. Cat tattoos can also reflect a love for animals, especially pets. For some people, a cat tattoo can be a way to express their individuality, creativity in life, or simply a memory of a beloved pet.

Thus, the history of cat tattoos is rich and varied, reflecting the deep cultural, religious and emotional aspects that cats represent for people.

The meaning of a cat tattoo

Fertility, joy, power

The wild Libyan cats are believed to have been domesticated themselves. They hunted near the granaries of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, thereby saving the people from the invasion of rodents and starvation. The Egyptians saw in this a sign of the gods, made the animal sacred. Only priests or a select few could wear cat tattoos.

With the face of an animal, they depicted Basta, the goddess of the hearth, joy, fun, female beauty. It was believed that the sun god Ra took the form of a murka and descended to earth, he was portrayed as conquering evil forces in the form of a snake. The Egyptian cat tattoo is depicted sitting, with a proudly raised muzzle and a curled tail.

It looks beautiful from the side of the ankle, on the scapula, neck, abdomen. Gives girls mystery and grace, domination, pride and arrogance. Some believe that the sphinx attracts wealth and protects from the invasion of trouble, like mice. Assyrian soldiers learned about the sacred animal of the Egyptians, began to tie them to shields to win battles.

Protector and keeper from corruption

Two centuries ago, sailors stamped on their forearms an image of an animal in a cap and with a striped collar. It personified a safe voyage and was a powerful talisman, because rats on ships are a common occurrence. Asians let pets into Buddhist temples to protect the shrine from evil spirits.

In the province of Dauphiné, before the harvest, the kitten was swaddled, decorated with ribbons and flowers, and left in the shade. If a person was injured by a sickle, he was sent under the protection of an animal. In Japan, it was believed that in the Murka there is a human soul... After death, their images were brought to the temple and placed on the altar so that the path to nirvana was easy.

The sleeping cat tattoo represents peace and tranquility, this image still adorns temples. However, sometimes supernatural powers are attributed to the animal, along with vampirism.

Guardian of the hearth, love and a symbol of femininity

In ancient times, the cat was personified with the moon, grace, girlish attractiveness. In Thailand, the Siamese murka was deified, and on their wedding night they let a large, well-fed cat with a long mustache into the bedchamber so that the family lived in prosperity and happiness. The Norwegians depicted the goddess Freya on a chariot drawn by graceful animals.

She patronized all devoted lovers. In India, Sasht, the goddess of motherhood, was depicted as a cat and associated with family well-being... However, now animals are considered carriers of negative karma, a mediator between the worlds, ready to defile food and human thoughts.

The meaning of a cat tattoo for girls

Where is the most common place to get a cat tattoo?

Cat tattoos can be placed on different parts of the body depending on the preferences and symbolic meaning that the owner of the tattoo wants to express. Here are some of the popular places to get cat tattoos:

  1. Shoulder and arm: Cat tattoos on the shoulder or arm can be part of a larger design or stand alone. These locations work well for subtle and detailed images of cats.
  2. Chest and side: Images of cats on the chest or side can have symbolic meaning associated with family ties or protection. These locations may also be suitable for larger, more colorful tattoos.
  3. Leg and shin: Cat tattoos on the leg or shin can be quite expressive and can be associated with grace and freedom of movement.
  4. Back: The back is a popular location for large and detailed tattoos. Images of cats on the back can symbolize support or protection.
  5. Wrist and ankle: Small cat tattoos on the wrist or ankle can be discrete and symbolic, and can also serve as a reminder of values ​​that are important to you or a beloved pet.

Choosing where to place a cat tattoo can depend on personal preference and what kind of symbolism or meaning you want to put into your tattoo.

Cat tattoos for girls - mystery and grace

The cat, due to the flexibility of the body, graceful and proud gait, personifies feminine beauty and character. A tattoo of a silhouette of a cat on the shoulder blade, abdomen, wrist and leg looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Smooth lines emphasize the wearer's tenderness and flexibility, add magnetism to the image. Girls are well suited for pictures in black or colorful colors, with transitions and shadows, when every villi of fur is drawn. The image on the wrist or neck looks attractive and mysterious, especially the faces and all kinds of patterns of cats. A cute animal on the wrist will emphasize femininity and beauty.

Often, girls apply an image of a domestic predator to intimate areas, the playful plot of a cat and mouse is especially relevant, as if hinting to the chosen ones about a strong character and slyness. A small tattoo of a cat on the belly or chest area also looks sexy. With the help of a graceful animal, it is easy to emphasize the slenderness and beautiful line of the legs if you apply it to the lateral part of the lower leg. Symmetrical muzzles on the feet look interesting.

Girls often choose the image of a pet in motion, with a curved back, showing that despite the fragility and tenderness, the owner will be able to overcome obstacles. The cat is ready to jump and are visible his paw prints - a sign of protection. The girl will be able to defend herself and get out of a difficult situation as a heroine. For romantic and gentle natures, a picture of a small kitten lying on its back with bent legs is perfect.

A tattoo of cat paws on the neck, behind the ear, on the arm and legs looks very impressive, especially the track of footprints on the shoulder. They symbolize good luck in business and personal life. However, it is undesirable to choose an image that is too small, because at a distance it can merge into one point.

Red plump cats are becoming popular among girls and men. They look lazy, homely and affectionate, they personify family comfort and unpretentiousness. Cartoon characters look interesting, giving the owner a playful image.

Male cat tattoos - a symbol of good luck

You can often find a fighting cat with scars on men's shoulders. Mostly they prefer the image of an aggressive predator, but there are also May cat ladies with a gallant look and a bow tie around their necks. Neat paws are the prerogative of girls; men choose prints with traces of blood or claws. Any frightening image of a fluffy animal on the shoulder often symbolizes a challenge to society that the owner has his own rules in life. Men with a good sense of humor and positiveness choose a tattoo of a Cheshire cat in colorful or dark shades. In America, it has become fashionable to fill the drawing of your pet.

It is believed that the character of the animal is transmitted to the owner. Carefully fill the tattoo of a cat in a hat or top hat and with paws. It is common among thieves' gangs. If a criminal began to cooperate with law enforcement agencies, a bow or a butterfly was drawn for him by force. The image of an animal with keys is a sign of a burglar thief. If you really like such pictures, it is better to choose a colorful, interesting image so that unpleasant questions do not arise.

Why are cat tattoos so popular?

Cat tattoos are among the most popular choices among tattoo lovers for several reasons.

First, cats are associated with many symbols and qualities that attract people. They are often associated with mystery and mystery, which makes them attractive to those who appreciate intriguing and unpredictable images. Cats also symbolize independence and freedom, which can be important for people seeking self-expression and individuality.

Secondly, cats are popular pets, and for many people, a cat tattoo can be a way to express their love and affection for these animals. Such tattoos can be a memory of a beloved pet or a symbol of devotion and care for pets.

In addition, cats have deep cultural and religious roots. In ancient cultures, cats were often considered sacred animals, symbolizing life, death and the afterlife. Images of cats could be used in magical and religious rituals. This historical and symbolic significance may be attractive to people interested in history and mythology.

Finally, cat tattoos can be simply beautiful and stylish. Cats have a graceful and graceful morphology that adapts well to a variety of tattoo styles, from realistic to abstract. Their flexible shapes and expressive features make them attractive to tattoo designers and tattoo enthusiasts.

Photo of cat tattoo on head

Photo of cat tattoo on body

Photo of cat tattoo on hand

Photo of a cat tattoo on the leg

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