» Tattoo meanings » Value of tattoo compass

Value of tattoo compass

The compass is considered one of the most needed inventions that helped a person develop, conquer and discover new lands.

In addition, this device has not yet lost its relevance and usefulness, it often appears on logos, identifies brands and, of course, is used for its intended purpose.

The compass tattoo has firmly entered the world of permanent images on the skin and has already earned recognition both among active lovers of naval or military themes, and among all those familiar with the symbolism of this attractive image.

Value of tattoo compass

Of course, a marine compass, well-implanted under the skin, above all, denotes path, road and adventure... All this fell to the lot of a person who has an interesting tattoo with practically live arrows and all the well-known letters denoting the cardinal points.

Sketches of a compass tattoo can be varied and have a stronger or lighter semantic content, but this tattoo in any case will have a huge number of fans and connoisseurs.

A person who has chosen a compass to decorate his body will never regret his choice if the latter was made consciously and deliberately.

It should be added that the compass can indicate the thorny and difficult path of its owner. Sailors, whose hearts are tied to the sea by ropes, often have a difficult fate, so a compass for them is not only a work necessity, but also an urgent need that they realize through a tattoo.

In addition, the original vintage retro compass, along the edges of which peculiar chips and arrows are stuffed, will always be not only a symbol of freedom, but also an excellent decoration.

Pay attention to the fact that a really interesting design attracts the eye and signals that its owner is a balanced person who knows what he is doing and where he is going through life.

The only thing that can be said for sure is that a person who has decided on the "eternal compass" knows what life is and wants to taste different countries, seeks to breathe the air of all continents and feels very at ease on the road or on the way to new the twists and turns of life.

Photo of compass tattoo on body

Photo of a dad compass on his hands

Photo of compass tattoo on leg