» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the Kolovrat tattoo

The meaning of the Kolovrat tattoo

We managed to talk a little about the meaning of the Kolovrat tattoo when we covered in detail the topic of Slavic symbols and amulets.

I must say that the Slavic theme is gaining from year to year. Modern people have an interest and craving for cultural origins.

We want to know more about how our ancestors lived, what they believed, what was really important to them.

The first association that arises at the sight of a Kolovrat is the sun. Indeed, this is one of the main objects of veneration not only among the Slavs, but also in almost all ancient cultures.

Solar energy, the power of fire, is both the progenitor of all living things and a deadly threat. Curved beams are important. They symbolize constant movement, life cycle, change. It is interesting that the symbol can be depicted in several interpretations.

Image Options

  • Moving clockwise - female amulet. This picture symbolizes harmony and creativity.
  • Moving counterclockwise - a man's amulet - means purification, renewal.
  • A symbol drawn inside a circle is considered a sign of the universe.

Thus, despite the prevailing opinions that this sign is more suitable for a man's tattoo, with a certain image it is quite suitable for a girl.

Number of beams

In the photo and sketches of the Kolovrat tattoo, you will see a different number of rays. Oddly enough, this factor also affects the overall value of the tattoo.

  1. 4 rays - heavenly fire
  2. 6 rays - the sign of Perun
  3. 8 rays - the power of the sun, the revival of the Slavic faith.

The eight-rayed Kolovrat can most often be found on various coats of arms, flags and banners, including modern admirers of ancient culture.

Where to fill?

The most common places for a Kolovrat tattoo can be considered:

  1. Shoulder (outer part)
  2. Chest
  3. Back (area between shoulder blades)
  4. Forearm

Photo of Kolovrat tattoo on body

Photo of Kolovrat tattoo on head

Photo of Kolovrat tattoo on hand

Photo of Kolovrat tattoo on leg