» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of a hummingbird tattoo

The meaning of a hummingbird tattoo

Small bright hummingbirds have long become one of the favorite tattoo characters among fans of this art form.

Hummingbirds live only in the Western Hemisphere, so legends about them can be found only in the mythology of the peoples of North and South America. But there are so many of them, and the plots of the stories are so diverse that one can be convinced of how revered this little bird was.

The meaning of the hummingbird tattoo

The meaning of a hummingbird tattoo is associated with the ideas of ancient Indian tribes that have come down to us in the form of myths and legends, the habits of a bird and the peculiarities of its life in nature. We will talk about this today, as well as give some useful advice regarding decoration.

The meaning of a hummingbird tattoo for girls is the same as for men, however, among the beautiful half of humanity, drawings with this character are much more common. This is due to the fact that men are less likely to choose such bright and graceful creatures for tattoos, preferring eagles, hawks or owls.

So, what is the meaning of a hummingbird tattoo:

  • Love... Since this bird was associated with sincere love among the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica, a tattoo with its image can serve as a talisman helping in its search.
  • Courage... This miniature bird is truly brave, because, defending its territory and offspring, it rushes at birds of much larger size, not knowing fear. Therefore, the meaning of a hummingbird tattoo can be reduced to courage and willingness to defend their interests at any cost. Such an image suggests that external fragility, softness of character does not mean weakness and defenselessness.
  • Freedom... This value is relevant for birds in general. The ability to fly, soar high into the heavens at all times has been associated with freedom, the ability at any time to easily leave their homes and go anywhere.
  • Energy... The smallest species of hummingbirds make about a hundred flaps of their wings per second, even while eating, the birds hover in the air, and do not sit on the ground, they are always very mobile. A hummingbird tattoo means that its owner is full of energy, does not like to sit still for a long time. This is a man of action, leading an active lifestyle.
  • A vibrant life full of pleasure... A hummingbird with a flower indicates a person for whom comfort and the ability to have whatever one wants is very important. This bird is recognized as the most insatiable in the world, as it eats more in a day than it weighs itself. Her image can mean the desire for luxury, the desire to possess things that many might consider excesses.
  • The connection between the visible and invisible worlds... This meaning is associated with the belief of the Indians that the souls of the dead turn into hummingbirds. These birds are also considered intermediaries between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

Style and composition

Hummingbird tattoo in watercolor looks cool. This style is great for the image of a small bright bird, smooth transitions of shades allow you to convey the ease of flight and flutter of the wings. Watercolors look colorful and delicate, and as if random splashes and streaks give the picture originality. Small hummingbirds on the neck or on the wrist will look cute and harmonious, larger works, for example, the image of a bird sitting on a flower, will look great on the shoulder or forearm.

Realistic tattoos always attract admiring glances, because only a truly talented artist can achieve such a resemblance to a real object. Often such works are entire landscapes depicting the beauty of the natural habitats of hummingbirds. Realistic sleeves, large-scale tattoos on the leg or on the back look gorgeous.

Hummingbirds are usually depicted in color, which is quite logical, because how else to convey the colorfulness of their plumage? But monochrome works are still found. Basically, these are miniature, uncomplicated ornamental sketches. Colored tattoos, of course, look much more spectacular, but black and white drawings are more durable, they do not fade so quickly in the sun, which is their undoubted advantage.

Photo of a hummingbird tattoo on the head

Photo of hummingbird tattoo on body

Photo of a hummingbird tattoo on his hands

Photo of a hummingbird tattoo on his feet