» Tattoo meanings » Maple leaf tattoo meaning

Maple leaf tattoo meaning

Maple itself is a mighty and rebellious tree, which is not afraid of either cold or storms.

Therefore, a person who puts an image on himself with him thereby transfers all his inherent properties. However, it is worth noting that maple is interpreted differently among different peoples. Let's take a closer look at what meaning a maple leaf tattoo can have.

Maple tattoo meaning

The maple leaf in Asia has always been a symbol of lovers, and its image could be seen on beds and various things in families.

That is why today many lovers apply the same tattoos with him, in order to thereby confirm loyalty and love for each other. Quite often, maple could also be seen on the objects of art of the ancient Celts: for them it symbolized stamina, strength and invincibility, and thereby gave strength for victories both in ordinary life and in battles.

Among the Slavs, maple was considered sacred. In many legends that have survived to this day, you can find stories about how a person turns into this tree.

Leaves symbolized parting with dear and beloved people, and the Poles - the departure of a loved one from life.

A maple tattoo can be found among the Canadian military: the maple leaf is a symbol of their country and national freedom.

Maple tattoo sites

The maple leaf tattoo itself is a rather spectacular pattern that can be placed on any part of the body, and which can be applied by both men and women.

Therefore, if the meaning of the image that you want to convey to others coincides with the above, select a sketch of a wedge leaf tattoo and go to the master.

However, one should not forget that everyone can attach their own meaning to the tattoo, and it will not always coincide with the generally accepted one.

Photo of maple tattoo on head

Photo of maple tattoo on body

Photo of Daddy Maple on his hands

Photo of a maple tattoo on the leg