» Tattoo meanings » Jesus Christ tattoo

Jesus Christ tattoo

The tradition of decorating your body with drawings appeared thanks to the travels of James Cook to the shores of Polynesia. Members of his team became interested in the unusual tradition of local aborigines to apply images to the body.

Many of them brought samples of the first tattoos to Europe. It was the sailors who became one of the first admirers of the art of tattooing. Often, images of a religious nature could be found on their bodies. For example, the tattoo of Jesus Christ was supposed to facilitate corporal punishment for the wearer.

Since the XNUMXth century, it was so in demand that it was banned in some countries.

The modern meaning of the tattoo of Jesus Christ is quite simply deciphered:

  • First, its owner is a Christian or a believer.
  • Secondly, he has a desire to help his neighbor.
  • Third, it testifies to the realization of a past sinful life.

Criminal value

Jesus Christ tattoo was often applied to the body of criminals. For them, this image served as a talisman. The head of Jesus Christ, located on the chest or shoulders, meant disobedience to the authorities, in particular, the Soviet.

The crucifixion symbolized the inability to betray and pure thoughts... It was done mainly on the chest.

The meaning of the tattoo of Jesus Christ, located on the back: repentance to loved ones, as well as Faith, Hope and Love. The image of the Son of God could indicate the reason for the imprisonment. For example, a head in a crown of thorns - getting a criminal record for hooliganism.

The modern underworld has lost its craving for tattoos with deep meanings and they are applied because of their attractiveness.

Jesus Christ Tattoo On Body

Photo of Dad Jesus Christ on his hands