» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the bull terrier tattoo

The meaning of the bull terrier tattoo

Drawings of dogs as tattoos on the body are often chosen by men. They are sure that, for example, a bull terrier tattoo will perfectly cope with the role of a kind of amulet for the owner of such a wearable pattern.

After all, these dogs will always be loyal, they will never let you down, they will regularly serve and protect from the invasion of unexpected guests.

Considering the sketches of a bull terrier tattoo, it becomes clear that it is most correct to apply a drawing of a dog of such a graceful breed to a muscular toned body. Therefore, before visiting the salon, it will not be superfluous to do your physical form and go to the gym.

Placement of the bull terrier tattoo

There are no special rules in choosing a place for applying a bull terrier. The tattoo will be appropriate on the back or chest, on the shoulder or thigh. It is important to choose the right proportions of the drawing in accordance with the constitution of the body. Of course, it all depends on the individual preferences of a particular person. Men of small stature, applying a tattoo depicting a large bull terrier with a bared mouth, try in this way emphasize your inner strength and power. A picture of a bull terrier pursuing its abuser has a similar meaning.

If the animal looks calm and peaceful, then the semantic load of such a drawing is interpreted differently: the owner of such a picture is quite friendly and calm with those who came to him in peace. If the guest rudely invades his personal space, then it's time to demonstrate to him the strength, courage and tenacity of the teeth of a chain dog.

The meaning of a bull terrier tattoo depends on the selected type of animal image, size and color scheme of the picture. A similar tattoo on a delicate female body will look cute rather than intimidating. Although many contemporaries with such a pattern have the same business acumen as the bull terrier.

Photo of a bull terrier tattoo on a body

Photo of a bull terrier tattoo on the arm

Photo of a bull terrier tattoo on the leg