» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the archangel tattoo

The meaning of the archangel tattoo

The word archangel consists of two parts: archi, which means "elder", and angel - "messenger".

Only one archangel is described in the classical Bible - Michael, one of the most revered biblical characters. By the way, the tattoo with the image of the Archangel Michael gives rise to this direction in tattooing.

Nevertheless, in church traditions there are several more divine figures of this rank.

It is difficult to assume that the owner of such an image on the body assumes the highest angelic rank. Such a picture on the body is rather similar in meaning to the Angel tattoo. The meaning of the archangel tattoo can be interpreted as Protector Warrior, Judge.

Although, as in the case of an angel, the tattoo may not have any special meaning, but serve solely for decoration. After all, the drawings of the archangels that have come down to our time look incredibly beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, which is why various plots with their participation attract ordinary tattoo lovers.

With high-quality work of the master, the images of angelic beings almost always look majestic, graceful. This tattoo can be done in a wide variety of styles. Considering that traditionally in biblical books, frescoes and icons, the archangel is depicted with a predominance of shades of white, an archangel tattoo can be done using special white paint.

In confirmation - several photos and sketches of tattoos of the archangel. Divine tattoos to you!

Photo of archangel tattoo on body

Photo of an archangel tattoo on his hands