» Tattoo meanings » 76 tattoos of the globe (world map)

76 tattoos of the globe (world map)

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Traveling is fun. Every day more and more people want to travel the world more than anything else. Discovering new cultures, new places, new landscapes and new people is undoubtedly an exciting experience.

This type of feeling can be symbolized by various tattoos, in particular tattoos that represent maps of the world or globes. With regard to these drawings, we will also ask ourselves what they might mean besides the desire to travel.

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Globe tattoos can express much more than just a desire to travel the world. They can represent a cosmopolitan attitude towards life. What does it mean to have a cosmopolitan attitude?

Well, it all depends on everyone, but in general, this drawing is associated with very commendable values, such as the recognition that, despite cultural diversity, all people from different regions of the planet are part of the same world.

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The consequences also differ from person to person, but one can venture to say that such a vision is compatible with the idea that we all deserve respect and attention from other people. It can also mean that all cultures have their own characteristics that need to be respected, no matter where we are from.

Love of knowledge and curiosity

The globe is a common element in schools. This is the reason why it can be seen as a manifestation of love for knowledge or learning. It was a regular part of Mafalda Quino's comics, filled with social criticism that was thought-provoking.

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In these comics, Mafalda interacts with the globe in her bedroom. The globe and a character like Mafalda tremendously symbolize curiosity that does not fade over time.

In addition, the globe tattoo can also be associated with the sensitivity and interest we can develop towards the problems the world faces, those that arise outside of our immediate environment.

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Life project

As we have already said, the globe is associated with the desire to travel the world. Be sure to mention this meaning: the globe (or world map) is always a great option for representing such intentions. The desire to travel, learn, and travel the world is one of the most respectable life projects one can undertake.

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