» Tattoo meanings » 62 peace tattoos (and their meaning)

62 peace tattoos (and their meaning)

Few symbols are as recognizable as the symbol of peace. After the 1960s and the emergence of anti-war movements, this symbol became popular and recognizable at first sight.

Today, if you were asked to draw it, you could probably handle it without too much trouble. It is a circle with a vertical line and an inverted v.

The origin and meaning of the symbol of peace

The origin of the peace symbol comes from the maritime code of flags. In particular, it is based on signs that correspond to "disarmament" and "nuclear".

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The first of the two is done by raising the flag with the right hand, while the left remains lowered, forming a vertical figure.

The sign "Nuclear" is formed by two flags pointing downwards, thus forming a kind of inverted "v" with arms.

From here comes the symbol of peace. In addition, when all the strokes are superimposed, the image looks like a dove print in the sand. We must not forget that pigeons are also a symbol of peace.

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Peace symbol in tattoos

The symbol of peace is a very recurring motif in the world of tattoos. Its meaning is simple and overwhelming. Peace is one of the most precious blessings of humanity, and therefore it is important to protect it everywhere in the world.

These tattoos have been featured in all styles and in many variations. Some of them mix musical symbols such as the treble clef and the peace symbol, others add colors that are characteristic of the LGTBT movement.

Some designs are much more complex and involve ecological and spiritual ideas. But they all mean that peace is an important good for the future of humanity.

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Placement of tattoos with a symbol of peace

This is a tattoo with a fairly minimalistic pattern. This is the reason why it can often be seen tattooed on the wrists, forearms, back, neck, or any other place the tattooed person desires.

But in general, since this is a tattoo that embodies a political or ideological position in relation to life, it is often placed in a fairly prominent place. This symbol is recognizable very quickly and easily. It is used in many countries around the world.

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