» Tattoo meanings » 51 Dollar eye tattoo (eye or eye of providence)

51 Dollar eye tattoo (eye or eye of providence)

The Eye of Providence, also called the luminous delta, the all-seeing eye, or the panoptic eye, represents the eye of God on humanity. It is a popular tattoo symbol because it represents the protection of God or a higher power. Those who wear it feel protected, which allows them to avoid unpleasant surprises and difficulties throughout their lives.

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Where did the Eye of Providence come from?

We know that this symbol appears in the Rig Veda, one of the oldest texts in existence. This text comes from India and dates back to around 3000 BC. This refers to Shiva, a Hindu god who has a third eye in the middle of his forehead. This eye represents infinite knowledge. It was believed that when this third eye opened, it was able to put an end to evil. This is one of the many cultures or mythologies in which this symbol is found.

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For the Egyptians, this image represented the Eye of Horus, a symbol of life and resurrection, the eye to which the gods bestowed all gifts.

In Christianity, the Eye of Providence is placed in a triangle surrounded by rays. He represents the Holy Trinity and the omnipresence of God.

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The Eye of Providence is known to the Masons as the Luminous Delta because the Greek letter Delta is represented by a triangle. That is why he represents the omniscience of the creative principle of the universe.

This symbol has spread all over the world and can be found on many images, fabrics, jewelry, artwork and, of course, tattoos.

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Eye of Providence in tattoos

This symbol is a favorite of those who want to choose a good tattoo precisely because of its strong meaning. But beyond its sacred origins, conspiracy theories now abound around the symbol, fueled by movies, TV shows and controversial internet postings. But that doesn't stop many people from continuing to tattoo this eye on their body.

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Basically, the All-Seeing Eye is presented in black and white tattoos, and more recently in geometric or pointillist compositions. When it comes to tattooed areas, the back is definitely the most popular, just below the neck followed by the forearms.

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