» Symbolism » Roman Symbols » Roman numerals

Roman numerals

Roman numerals

Roman numerals are a set of characters used in the Roman numbering system that was the most common numbering system in Europe until the late Middle Ages ... It was then replaced by Arabic numerals, although it is still used in some areas.

roman numerals on the clock
Roman numerals are still used today. We can find them, for example, on watch faces.

According to this system, numbers are written using seven letters of the Latin alphabet. And yes: 

  • I - 1
  • V - 5
  • X - 10
  • L - 50
  • C - 100
  • D - 500
  • M - 1000

By combining these symbols and using the established rules for addition and subtraction, you can represent any number within the range of numerical values ​​represented.