» Symbolism » Symbols of Strength and Authority » Balam: Mexican jaguar, symbol of inner strength 🐯

Balam: Mexican jaguar, symbol of inner strength 🐯

Balam: Mexican jaguar, symbol of inner strength 🐯

The jaguar has very strong symbolism, but it also has several meanings:

  • Balam , the Mexican jaguar, is the largest animal on the continent. In the Maya this is a very important symbol. Moreover, works telling about the history of this civilization are named Chilam-Balam. He God protector of cultures .
  • According to Aigle Blue (which we talked about in the section on the eagle), this animal is often called by warriors. It has a stronger jaw than other felines. Topics not less, he personifies honor, honesty and inner strength .
  • Choosing this animal as a totem animal means accepting work on oneself.
  • Shamans use it to communicate with spirits. He personifies spiritual strength .