» Symbolism » Pagan Symbols » Mark of the Thunderer

Mark of the Thunderer

Mark of the Thunderer

Symbol Perun there was a six-pointed circle or regular hexagon. Among the Western Slavs, this sign was usually carved on roof beams or other places of the house to protect them from lightning and storms. He also occasionally appeared on coats of arms, clothing, necklines, and Easter eggs. This symbol is present in many cultures and is usually referred to as  hex star .

In Polish culture, this sign was preserved among the highlanders in the form podhalskaya or Carpathian sockets ... It is interesting that there it performs similar functions. An important element of mountain architecture is the wooden ceiling, on which the rosette sign must be torn off to protect the house from the ravages of the weather. In these areas, the sign of the Thunderer also appears in a depleted form - in the form of a six-pointed star inscribed in a circle. In some research interpretations, this sign is also associated with the solar cult widespread in our country.