
Theseus is an Athenian prince and hero of Greek mythology.

He was considered the son of Poseidon and Aitra (formally, he was the son of Aegeus, king of Athens). Growing up far from home out of fear of the throne-hungry sons of his uncle Pallas. His growing up was the raising of a boulder, under which Aegeus (Ajgeus) left him his sword and sandals.

He is credited with seven works (by analogy with the twelve works of Hercules), which he should have done before his arrival in Athens:

  • After killing the robber of Periphet, who killed people with a baton (then he himself used this baton),
  • After killing the giant Sinis, who bent the pines, tied people to them, let them go, and the trees tore them to shreds,
  • Killed the Minotaur,
  • After killing the giant wild pig Fi in Crommen, which caused a lot of harm and killed many people,
  • After killing the villain - Skeiron Megaren, who made people wash their feet, and when they did, he knocked them off a cliff right into the mouth of a giant turtle,
  • Killing the strongman Mikun in the fight,
  • The mutilation of Procrustes, who forced passers-by to lie on one of his beds, and if their legs protruded outside the bed, he cut them off, and if they were too short, he stretched them at the joints to make them longer.

In Athens, he met his father Aygeus, who did not recognize him, and at the insistence of his wife, the famous Greek witch Medea (who guessed about him) sent him to fight a huge bull that ravaged the fields of Marathon. (It was assumed that this is the bull, from which the Minotaur used to be). Having defeated the bull and expelled Medea, he fought with the pretenders to the Athenian throne.