» Symbolism » Symbols of Mythology » Hydra Lernejska

Hydra Lernejska

In Greek mythology, the Hydra of Lerneisk is a monster, which most often represents a multi-headed (in different sources, a different number of heads) water snake, the daughter of Typhon and Echidna. She lived in the marshes near Lerna in Argolis.

The defeat of her Lerna hydra was the second of the 12 works of Hercules.

It is believed that the parents of Hydra are Typhon and Echidna [1] [2]. There is no consensus about the grandparents of Hydra, the parents of Echidna. Grimal gives different versions: they could be the parents of Typhon, Gaia and Tartarus [3], Chrysaor and Calliroe [4] or Chrysaor and Styx.