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Mayan zodiac signs - symbols and names

Mayan zodiac - symbols and names

Mayan astrology is shrouded in mystery and, like many things left of us, is not fully understood. The exact meanings of their astrological signs are not yet fully clear. Scholars offer many modern interpretations based on the Maya culture and the symbols they use.

What is known for certain is that their Haab calendar uses 19 astrological signs to represent different periods of the year. Many symbols are based on important aspects of their culture: time, jaguar, four directions and astronomy.

The meaning of the Mayan astrological signs:

Chen (Jan 2 - Jan 21)

Values: Black storm, Black sky, Moon, West, One flower.

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under the sign of Chen are people who love the night. They feel most powerful in the hours after sunset and before sunrise. During this time, you need to surround yourself with calm energy in order to fully develop. Those born under this sign have a natural craving for lunar energies. It is good to wear a moonstone to strengthen their connection with lunar energies. Their main direction is west, so when meditating they should look west.

Yax (January 22 - February 10)

Meaning: Venus, green storm, south, two flowers

Interpretation of the astrological sign: People born under the sign of Yax get along well with people living under the same sign. Their planet is Venus, so they are inherently gentle and loving. They develop their peaceful abilities and achieve harmony with the people around them. Being a peacemaker in your soul is a wonderful gift in these troubled times. Their main direction is south.

Sak (February 11 - March 2)

Meaning: white storm, three flowers, frog, north

Zodiac sign interpretation: Those born under the Sack love the hours of the day. The best time for them is early morning. They need time to think early in the morning because this is the time when the mind is most open. The main direction of those born under this sign is the North. A frog is an animal that gives them strength. The value of the frog is its adaptability and ease of adaptation to change. Frogs can quickly and easily jump from one stage of consciousness to another. They very easily welcome changes in their lives. In fact, change is their power.

Keh (March 3 - March 22)

Meaning: red storm, trees, deer, east

Zodiac sign interpretation: Those born under the sign of Keh love nature and natural balance. They can help restore the natural balance of the Earth by setting a personal example. They have the energy of fire, and red is a very powerful color for them. If they accept this powerful force, they will give way to their fiery nature. Meditation in nature will develop their natural abilities. Their main direction is East, and the animal they look like is Ellen.

Poppy (March 23 - April 11)

Meaning: closed, hidden, God of number 3.

Interpretation of the astrological sign: this astrological sign is the least interpreted. Therefore, people born under this sign also remain a mystery. They do their best when they are not completely open to others. The words that describe them are also associated with something hidden. They can reveal many secrets of life if they spend more time away from others. Their number is 3, which is associated with divinity, balance and completeness.

Kankin (April 12 - May 1)

Meaning: Earth, Dog, Yellow, Underworld, Yellow Sun.

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under the sign of Kankin are people of the earth and the sun. They have an affinity both to the planet under their feet and to the powerful energies of the sun. If they meditate in sunlight, they will gain more wisdom. It is also good to meditate in a cave, or at least visit a cave to enjoy the tranquility in the womb of Mother Earth. The animal they are associated with is a dog, especially a yellow dog. Dogs are known for their loyalty, but they also have incredible inner defenses.

Muvan (May 2 - May 21)

Meaning: owl, bird moan, god of clouds and rain, fire

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign gravitate towards fire and water. They are charged with a lot of energy, especially during thunderstorms when fire and water combine. Their animal totem is the Owl, known among the Maya as the Moaning Bird. The owl has very strong eyesight and can see the truth hidden behind many lies.

Pax (May 22 - June 12)

Meaning: sowing, puma, drum, arrow, steam

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign are associated with the jaguar. Jaguars played an important role in Mayan culture. They represent leadership. Their strength lies in leading others. They are straight as an arrow, stable and strong as a drum. Their main element is steam, which represents earth, fire and water. The combination of these three elements in your life will lead to great success.

Kayab (June 11 - 30)

Meaning: turtle, moon, goddess, one god

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign have a natural affinity for the moon and spiritual endeavors. They seek deeper meaning in everyday events. The animal they are associated with is a turtle. Turtles are carriers of ancient wisdom.

Kumku (July 1 - July 20)

Meaning: grain, crocodile, god of rain and plants, darkness, two lords.

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign have a dualistic character. They clearly see "both sides of the coin" and draw wisdom from this. They are related to the crocodile, which survives with its patience. Crocodiles are one of the reptiles that survived the Mesozoic period, when most of the reptiles and dinosaurs became extinct. These people find it difficult to accept change, even if it is happening everywhere, without affecting it.

Wayeb (July 21 - 25)

Meaning: five bad days, Earth God, Missing days, Spectrum.

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign are a kind of exception to the Mayan astrological signs. The period of this sign is only 5 days, in contrast to the 20 days that all other signs have. During these 5 days, the Maya knew that the natural balance in nature was disturbed. However, those born under this sign are not associated with bad luck. They are believed to have a strong connection with other worlds besides the physical world in which we live. They have more developed extrasensory perception.

Pop (July 26 - August 14)

Meaning: Jaguar, Leader, Leader, Soft Earth.

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign are born leaders. The Jaguar and the Chieftain are prominent symbols of power in ancient Mayan culture. These people provide direction and vision to others while remaining responsive to their needs. They are always at the forefront and lead the rest.

Wo (August 15 - September 3)

Meaning: Black sky, Black jaguar, Black storm, Frog

Interpretation of the astrological sign:  Those born under this sign have a lot in common with Chen and Sak. Their relationship with Chen is that they gain the greatest wisdom when it's dark outside, and with Sak there is an animal that represents them - a frog. The frog easily moves from one level of consciousness to another. These people are mystical and are looking for hidden wisdom everywhere.

Sip (September 4 - 23)

Meaning: red sky, red union, red storm, deer

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign have a strong bond with fire and air. The animal they are associated with is a deer. The deer is a symbol of grace and deep connection with the forest. These people need to develop energies associated with nobility and grace in order to achieve greater success in life. Their main color is red.

Soc (September 24 - October 13)

Meaning: Bat, Fish, Beginning of Winter, Two Moss

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign are associated with both the bat and the fish. One animal moves freely in the air, and the other in the water. Therefore, their element is air and water. The bat is associated with Mother Earth. Every day he returns to the bosom of the Earth (cave) to rest. Bats are very sensitive creatures, and the forces associated with them are intuition, sensitivity, and the ability to see beyond illusion. Pisces represent subconsciousness and depth. People born under this sign have a stronger intuition than others.

Sec (October 14 - November 2)

Meaning: earth and sky

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign are deeply connected with two elements - Earth and Heaven (wind, air). These people are fascinated by the sky and are interested in everything that is up there. Air is an element of psychic energies, and Earth is an element of practicality. The combination between them allows you to find the most effective solution for each situation.

Ksul (November 3 - November 22)

Values: Dog with a solar tail, God of dogs, Days of the birds.

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign are closely related to the dog. The dog is a very important animal in the Mayan culture. It is believed to help people move on to the next life after they finish this one. As a result, people born under this sign are loyal, strong and dedicated to their cause. They have a strong connection with the afterlife and can help others get rid of their fear of death.

Yashkin (November 23 - December 12)

Meaning: new sun, sun god, red clouds, green.

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign are associated with the sun god "Ah Kin". It provides protection from disease, drought and darkness. It is characteristic of these people that they are born healers, whether it is for real healing or just soothing words. They have one serious flaw - indecision. Ah Keen was known for her doubts and indecision. Therefore, they need to learn to be a little more persistent.

Mol (December 13 - January 1)

Meaning: water, cloud collection, communication, jaguar

Interpretation of the astrological sign: Those born under this sign are deeply associated with the element of water. They are believed to cause rain. Therefore, they draw great strength from water and rain. The animal they are associated with is the jaguar, which, according to the Mayan tradition, personifies the mystery of shamans and the power of leaders. Often these people become spiritual leaders.