

The American Indians were deeply spiritual people and they passed on their history, thoughts, ideas and dreams from generation to generation through symbols and signs, such as the Yei (Yeia) symbol. Indian symbols are geometric images of celestial bodies, natural phenomena, animals and totems. The meaning of the Yei symbol represents the Navajo Spirit Yei, who mediates between humans and By the Great Spirit.... The term Yei comes from the Yeibicheii word meaning Holy People. The spirits or deities of the Navaho Yeii are believed to control elements such as rain, snow, wind, and sun, as well as control night and day. Most Navajo deities can be both beneficial and harmful to people living on the surface of the Earth, depending on their mood or motives or how they are treated. It is believed that Yey is also associated with the goddess of the rainbow. Yei's images were usually taken on petroglyphs и sand drawings