» Symbolism » Death Symbols » Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper

She is often depicted with a scythe (a curved, sharp blade at the end of a long handle) with which she separates souls from bodies. For millennia, different cultures have existed allegories of death, personifying the afterlife. One of the most common and famous - Grim Reaper . 🔪

The Grim Reaper appears to have originated in Europe in the 14th century. It was during this time that Europe faced the world's worst pandemic: the Black Death. It is estimated that about a third of Europe's entire population died from the pandemic, with some regions of the continent suffering much greater losses than others. So, it's clear that the surviving Europeans had death in their heads, and it's no surprise that they came up with a symbol to represent it. It's in  great reaper of souls .