Diamonds 9

Diamonds 9

The value of 9 diamonds

Nine diamonds bad card without any apparent meaning. He just spoils what is nearby. Located next to another card of hearts, it portends love problems. If it is next to another diamond, then there is a dispute. The 9 diamonds near the spades card indicate financial difficulties - and sad news next to the clubs.

Generally about nines

Nine is a playing card representing the nine symbols of the card suit. A complete deck of playing cards consists of four nines, one of each suit (9 clubs, 9 tambourines, 9 hearts and 9 spades).

The above explanation of the meaning of 9 diamonds is very general. It should be borne in mind that there are many different schools of "reading" cards - their meanings can vary greatly depending on the personal views and inclinations of the person.

Let's remember! Fortune-telling or "reading" cards should be approached with suspicion. ??