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Aries - zodiac sign

Aries - zodiac sign

Plot of the ecliptic

from 0 ° to 30 °

Baran c the first astrological sign of the zodiac... It is attributed to people who were born at a time when the Sun was in this sign, that is, on the ecliptic between 0 ° and 30 ° ecliptic longitude. This length is between 20/21 March and 19/20 April.

Aries - Origin and description of the name of the zodiac sign

Like most zodiac signs, this one is inextricably linked with the constellation Aries. To find out the origin and description of this sign, you need to turn to ancient myths. The first mention of Fr. Aries sign originally from Mesopotamia, more precisely from the XNUMX century BC, Aries was most often depicted in zoomorphic form or through motifs associated with the legend of the golden fleece. According to myth (first narrated by Apollonius of Rhodes in a poem Argonautics), ten Zodiac sign he personified the victory of solar deities over the lunar constellations.

The Aries stars represented the revival of ancient cultures because they were associated with the vernal equinox. Later they began to depict the famous ram. with golden fleece - known from mythology. The Sumerians already saw the image of a ram in the stars of this constellation, and subsequent civilizations included it in their mythology. Its name comes from the mythological winged golden ram Chrysomallos, which has an interesting history. Hermes, the messenger of the gods, saw that the children of King Atamas, the twins Frix and Helle, had been mistreated by their stepmother Ino, so he sent a ram to save them. The children grabbed a ram and flew to Colchis in the foothills of the Caucasus. The king of Colchis, Ayet, gladly accepted them and presented them Fryksosowi his daughter to his wife. Aries was sacrificed in a sacred grove, and its wool turned to gold and hung from a tree. He was guarded by a dragon that never slept. In gratitude for the salvation, the ram was offered to Zeus and placed among the stars. The Golden Fleece was handed over to the king of Colchis and later became the target of the Argonauts who sailed to Argo (see also: Keel, Rufus and Sail) under the command of Jason.