» Symbolism » African Symbols » What does an elephant mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

What does an elephant mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

What does an elephant mean in Africa. Encyclopedia of symbols

Elephant: size and strength

In African legends and myths that have survived to this day, the elephant is the personification of a wise leader who cares about people and animals. Elephants were believed to have a noble and compassionate disposition. Many clans believed that their origins came from elephants and revered the elephant as a totem animal. In other tribes, there is a belief that elephants were once people, but through insidious witchcraft or by the will of the gods, they turned into animals. In addition, these majestic and noble animals, which can be defeated by humans only with the help of weapons or magic, have always evoked sympathy and respect among Africans.

The Ashanti tribe of Ghana sees elephants as the ancient leaders of their people. If people from this tribe find a dead elephant in the forest, they will definitely arrange a funeral ceremony for him, similar to those performed in honor of the departed leaders. Elephants are mentioned in many Ashanti sayings: "He who walks along the path of an elephant will never be wet with dew." This means that whoever follows the majestic and strong people will always avoid trouble.

Source: "Symbols of Africa" ​​Heike Ovuzu