» Symbolism » African Symbols » Bakongo african nail fetish

Bakongo african nail fetish

Bakongo african nail fetish


This two-headed figure belongs to the Bakongo people of Zaire. Such figures, which were called konde, were endowed with magical powers when they were made, which could manifest themselves when hammering nails. This is how the original meaning of the fetish changed over time.

The two heads of the creature symbolize the ability of the force that this creature is endowed with, to act in two directions, bringing both benefit and harm. For this reason, it is difficult for such a fetish to control its owner.

The fetish comes across as a combination of strength and danger. Due to the ambiguity, it is difficult to determine the exact purpose of the figure - a driven nail can help a sorcerer heal a sick person or harm a healthy one.

Source: "Symbols of Africa" ​​Heike Ovuzu