» Magic and Astronomy » Voacanga Africana - aphrodisiac

Voacanga Africana - aphrodisiac

The plant increases stamina. The root has stimulating properties.


Voakanga Africana

A tree from the Toinovaty family, reaching up to 6 m in height, growing in Africa. The bark is grayish-brown, and a sticky healing substance flows from its cracks.

Grows in forests and swamps. The bark and seeds of the plant are used by the inhabitants of West Africa in religious ceremonies and are used as an aphrodisiac. In Senegal, a decoction of the leaves is drunk as a tonic and against fatigue. Drummers and hunters use the bark of the roots to increase their stamina.

Therapeutic action:

It is used in different countries for:

wounds, bronchitis, hypertension (seeds), kidneys (ground root), rheumatic diseases, eczema, cancer, heart disease, menstrual problems (ground root), used for parasites, in the treatment of gonorrhea, mycosis and scabies.

The juice that flows from the bark has a wide range of uses, mainly used to treat tooth decay and inflammation of the eyes.



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