» Styles » Photo and meaning of dotwork style tattoos

Photo and meaning of dotwork style tattoos

With the appearance in Russia of the first tattoo artists in the dotwork style, this trend has gained its admirers and has been rapidly developing for many years.

The word dotwork is formed, as it is not difficult to guess, from two words: point and work, and the name of the style itself can be conditionally translated as point work.

As you already understood, its key feature is that any painting done with dots... The denser they are located to each other, the darker and denser the contour of the picture will turn out. I recommend comparing dotwork to blackwork! Look at the article and write in the comments what you like more!

It may seem that dotwork tattoos are a relatively new phenomenon, but in fact, the roots of this art go back to the cultural traditions of African tribes, the peoples of China, Tibet, India. Echoes of this trend can be found even in old-school tattoos, so there are no clear boundaries here and cannot be.

Classic dotwork tattoo, this is of course a dotted ornament, various geometric shapes and patterns... Let me remind you once again that in this style you can perform almost any picture, from uncomplicated at first glance symbols to voluminous portraits.

The main feature of this style from the point of view of the artist is its incredible meticulousness. Looking at the photos and sketches of dotwork tattoos, you can imagine how long it takes for each such job. Thousands and thousands of pointsmaking up a single plot - an incredibly beautiful and exciting art.

Today, there are not so many true dotwork masters in our country, as a rule, in search of high-quality work you have to go to large cities, but the result is definitely worth it!

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Photo dotwork tattoo on the body

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